Got a ticket... Any advice?

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That's insane. Must have been his first motorcycle catch. You probably made his year.
I hope the judge sees this correctly and your charges get reduced. Do you have an option for a jury trial? Not sure if being on a motorcycle would appeal to a jury's common sense? In your situation I probably would have done the same thing especially if I was 2 up, just because I would not have wanted to get rear ended. Getting somewhere alive is the highest priority. Did the police car have it's lights on when you passed? Then in my opinion he was trolling for you to make a move for safety sake, then bust you for it. If he was truly looking out for your weill being he would have had his lights on so the the cars coming from behind would have been alerted way ahead of time. Instead he passes the car in distress leaving a potentially dangerous situation to write you a ticket for some wreckless driving charge. When in reality he was being wreckless passing a distressed vehicle leaving it vulnerable to a rear end collision, that you had to avoid because he was not taking charge of the dangerous situation. I guess dead people cannot go to court and complain to the judge about what really happened? Keep Alert and Alive! Hope everything goes well and set them straight respectfully of course. If you go down for this at least you will let them know that no one was looking out for yours or the cars well being!
Your best bet is to hire an attourney and see if he can get the charges reduced. BUT, you have to give them a reason to work with you. AKA: this ticket will effect my work insurance or your ability to work.

I had a 52 in a 25 (27 over carries 4 pts + fine) speeding ticket. Long story short: I hired an lawyer for $500 they reduced the speed to a 29 in a 25 (4 over that carries 0 points ) and a max fine of $150 with another $150 in court costs. $803.00 + time & gas = 0 points

Pay the fine and live another day...

Ok everyone so i had my court date yesterday, Friday the 6th. I hired the attorney as i said and he spoke to the cop before going up to the judge. He basically said hi they both have good records and was there any oncoming traffic. Cop stated no and that we were polite, attorney said do you agree to dropping it to a moving violation instead, cop agreed we went before the judge and he approved. Bam I was out in about 20 mins, ended up still getting a 3 point ticket and paying 180 dollars but online driving school will take it away. All in all I was satisfied with what the outcome and it feels good to not having that court date and worry over my head. I haven't even been riding! You know ill be out tomorrow haha!