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I think the rider of Silver knows the pins to apply power to, to energize the cluster.

You are correct !! Very easy 12Vdc left pin top & bottom

FB3.jpg speedo9.jpg speedo12.jpg
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Sorry for ignorance what part of the harness are these pins located? The main ecm ports? Or diagnosis port? Or right on the back of the cluster? Looks like on the back of the cluster judging by your pictures
Sorry for ignorance what part of the harness are these pins located? The main ecm ports? Or diagnosis port? Or right on the back of the cluster? Looks like on the back of the cluster judging by your pictures

Yes ,the pins are on the back side of the speedo. speedo12 (2).jpg
Yeah that’s what I was thinking silver.. I smiled big when I seen that number.

And now I am burning acc fuses. I will guess again and be corrected probably again, I think maybe the blinkers or tail light. Now I have checked every wire for the blinker and tail and no sight of issues.... might be in the stalks or housing of the bulb. ????
I haven’t primed the pump yet. I am thinking he was gonna pull the fuel pump out?? The rear sets are off and one fuel pump Allen head is stripped out. More fun to come stay tuned.
And now I am burning acc fuses. I will guess again and be corrected probably again, I think maybe the blinkers or tail light. Now I have checked every wire for the blinker and tail and no sight of issues.... might be in the stalks or housing of the bulb. ????

that's due to a dead short either in your OEM dash mounted 12volt accessory plug.....a faulty turn signal flasher....or a faulty turn signal assembly shorting to ground. those are the 3 usual culprits for that fuse popping.
solution: unplug dash mounted accessory power plug and the turn signal flasher. replace fuse. ignition key to run switch to off. now turn on ignition key and replace each component positive power lead one by one till fuse pops and you've found the culprit.
the flasher is located under the front fairing on R models and behind the windscreen/flyscreen on all X and S models. small little black gizmo that looks similar to the fusebox relays in size and shape. stockers look exactly like this............

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Thanks rebel...

So I got good fuel in it good oil and filter power to everything... now for the fun, I click the starter and it sounds like it is bumping off the idle gear or starter gear. No engagement...Clack clack clack... and my fuel pump is not priming. The pump I am gonna look up some wire diagrams and just apply 12v and see if it works. That starter might just be done. I will just keep chipping away at it day by day..

Time for food though....
Hello and happy Friday to all lmao....

I messed with the grounds and got the starter going!!!! So the starter is good the motor isn’t seized now just the fuel pump... I haven’t had time to get on the wire diagram searching. I will get into that later and see if I have other issues with wiring and the pump may be good. Or need new pump time. Haven’t done a pump in a xb yet but looks mucho easy. Maybe some o rings and I think I seen years ago about a mustang pump that fits in the housing.. more research is needed..

Oh yeah if anyone gets a starter clack clack clack... this is a grounding issue. At least with this bike it was
And if anyone has any insight on if the side stand switch. Could this switch totally stop my fuel pump from priming.? My other xb has to have the side stand up to turn the pump on. I know it is faulty. This one on the uly won’t prime in any location of the side stand.
Such starter behavior also might be because of bad connection or big resistance between sit rails and frame.
side stand switch. Could this switch totally stop my fuel pump from priming.?

if the sidestand safety interlock switch was tied into the fuel pump circuitry on an XB the bike would never even idle in neutral sitting with sidestand down. and regarding your other XB and your have either a faulty clutch safety switch and/or neutral indicator switch.
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I hooked up my BUELL tooth from my other bike and checked the stored codes. One of the codes was fuel pump ground.. I looked at the wire diagram and it looks like the ground is to the black plug ecm pin. Or could that code be a ground issue on the pump itself?

If I go over to the active test area and prime pump it will start gurgling like it wants to wind up but there is a ground issue. Low voltage.. or something in that nature. Could just be shot. I checked the connector right before the pump and I am getting 12v to the pump.

And the other code was a low voltage code.

Those were stored codes there is nothing on my CEL right now..

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