got my ass handed to me ..

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My first ride on a sportbike was my older brothers RZ 350. Man that's one memory I'll never forget!
and if you liked that smoker or thought it a bit terrifying you should try one of these... h2.jpgh22.jpg
Love that triple, you should bring that deathtrap down this summer John. Show all the spray tanned fist pumpers on their slammed, strapped, and stretched busas a real bike!!!!!
John, We'll call that the "triple-max"...very nice! Love that tail...retro sport bike.
H2s killed two of my dads buddies within a few months of each other... one guy name Breeland Hummel hit the guard rail on PCH hwy101 at 120mph and was torn to pieces in front of everyone .. the other guy was Stevie Tennite he hit a dune buggy head-oh at a high rate of speed out in the Mojave desert.. all killed, no surviving witnesses. no one knows how it happened. when they found them it was just a big ball of wreckage and bodies strewn out everywhere... my dad hung up his helmet forever.. the H2 caused my dad to retire from motorcycling.

dudes were hard back then.. especially in 1970s California.. but you just get to the point where a man reaches his limit.. kids to feed and whatnot

Evel Knievel comes to mind... dudes were different back then..
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I also had a 1992 FJ1200, that thing could do a 130 all day and you could ride it all day.

YEP! we had a guy who rode one.. we called it the lead-sled.. it was fukking fast, low and long.. he would be cooking down the road and scraping pegs in the curves.. our 600s had a problem keeping up with him.. those were good. his was a matte silver
no replacement for displacement

yeah they were only 600s but the way they rode could get you into trouble real quick compared to todays 600s.. you could go over the limits easy.. you were never quite sure where the limits were until it was too late.. ha ha
we stay focused mostly on buells here but there still a ton of stuff outside the buell world as you can see by everyone elses posts. ... everyone has a "past" everyone has their own stories .. its good to share them.

by the way "Blue Smoke rocket" is now the official name of all 2-strokes in my vocabulary.... "blue smoke rockets".. that's what they were
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You being in a warm weather state you have the luxury of riding everyday, we can only wait till its spring, although I did have my cop bike today for lunch at my local watering hole, Its 40 degrees and sunny today in Pa.
damn!! yeah I am the opposite of a lot of guys.. I DONT ride on the weekends and I ride every weekday... and I ride AWAY from Daytona bike week.. haah its also never really cold here.. but it rains a lot..
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ill ride with guys but only if they are old enough to trust... I saw a lot of bike on bike collisions back in my youth.. wheelie mistakes and guys on the inside not being able to make the turn and force the guy on the outside to leave the road .. side-swipes too, broken feet and all that.. I'm paraniod
Love that triple, you should bring that deathtrap down this summer John. Show all the spray tanned fist pumpers on their slammed, strapped, and stretched busas a real bike!!!!!

spray tanned fist pumpers. LOL. that is outstanding wally. doubt they'd even know what a 2-stroke is or what they're capable of.
44 years after their introduction tom they remain to this day the most terrifying, most violent, most unpredictable and most exhilarating production bike ever produced. probably why a nice one now sells for 1500% more than original MSRP.
yep, widow-maker .. ultimate blue smoke rocket. only what? 80 horse?... but it was like a light switch .. everything or nothing... my dad rode Hummel's before he was ground into hamburger, he said he went though an intersection and wasn't paying close attention to his throttle hand as he pushed on the bars and it spooled up and almost took off from under him.. my dad said that bike was "real scary" and I remind you my dads daily rider was a hopped up rd 350 with a race crank and stingers.. he ran that gold **** in the tank.. my old man was a beast in his day.. Hummel's H2 was kitted too they didn't fukk with stock either.. they hopped everything up in cali back then like we do now. I can remember them out in the garage yelling to each other about reed valves and shtt .. blue smoke everywhere
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I'm trying to find a photo of that bike, I think I'm sitting on it back when I was like 5 or 6.. it was maroon. over time it got tricked out with stingers and a solo tail, he eliminated the oil injection bc he said it didn't work anyway.. I think it just had clip ons and a headlight.. I don't think he had a faring on it.. damn that was along time ago .. like 76 or 77 last time I saw that thing.. naw must have been maybe 74-75.. about the time Hummel and Tennite got killed
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Gloom glad I am responsible for updating your vocabulary "BLUE SMOKE ROCKET" lol.....that is exactly what they were!!!! And yes, they are all or nothing, two strokes have to be WOT or they are not happy. Absolutely great thread to btw gloom, really putting a smile on my face and taking me back 20 plus yrs when I had no cares in the world and zero fear, could hardly afford a yellow bulb for my gsxr, now I have a barn full of machines. Amazing I'm not dead the way I rode, God I know so much more now on how to ride. But damn was it FUN!!!!!!
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