GPR Stabilizers

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netty2424 Lightning, Gold GPR PAID
Jcrosby4288 Firebolt, Blue PAID
Squidbuellie Lightning, Black PAID
Loki 1125 CR, Black GPR PAID
Fozzie96 Firebolt, Gold GPR PAID

Please confirm as I'm typing the order up now.
TO much for GPR to send to us directly?

In any case i just hope its here by the 26th cause i leave for fort lee at the end of this month and i plan on hitting track while there.
From what I gathered from previous post that it's around 2 to 2 1/2 weeks. Oh and trust me it would be nice if gpr would just send it to you (i live only 500 miles from them) and cut out the middle man. But that is just how they do it. Its so the middle man can get his mark up. But if it breaks then you just send it back to gpr.
If it takes 2 weeks I'll be upset cuz for 10 more bucks I could f had it by Wednesday

Ah snap! Seriously! Oh well! Jcrosby, just look at it like helped out 4 other Buellers! :D[up]
if it would have gone through the first time i wouldnt have said anything im not trying to be a negative nancy but people should know to not commit to something if you cant pony up...just my two cents
if it would have gone through the first time i wouldnt have said anything im not trying to be a negative nancy but people should know to not commit to something if you cant pony up...just my two cents

Preaching to the choir!
I'm going to work on the new pricing here when I get a few minutes as the GPR pricing has changed.

defconjuan I believe I can add yours to the current order. If you'd like I can at least ask.
I hope they didn't go up... Did they go down and should I expect a refund of some sort ? Figures are crossed