GPR Stabilizers

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Hi Mike,
We have the lightning kits and the CR kit ready to ship today, but we are BO on the Firebolt kits right now.
The parts should be off the machine in 2-3 days, which would put them ready to ship by Friday.
Should we ship what we have ready? or wait till it is complete?

Loren Black
Now I'm going to sound like a prick.. Gpr is usually pretty good about being on top of things.... Tell them they should have called and shipped out the others last week. They should also next day the b.o one when it's done. It's kinda b.s since this weekend will be a 3 day weekend. Now going off that timeline we will be lucky to see them by 6/6-6/7 now that kinda sucks the big one..
Puzzled, will they charge you to break up shipping? Cant tell by the email if they're asking you if you want to pay extra, or if they're doing you a favor because the bolt gpr's are on back order?
Yeah that def means if they havent sent any theres no way itll get to me in time if it takes 4 to 5 days to you (puzzled) then 2-3 to us. :/

Is there nothing we can do? They shouldve been out to you by now at least.
Is there nothing we can do?

NO, GPR does not guarantee or specify a delivery date. All orders are built in the order they are received. So depending how many orders were/are in front of ours dictates the build/ship time. Obviously sometimes they run out of parts, it happens.

I can always cancel the entire order as they haven't shipped yet. A partial cancel is not possible.

After speaking with Howie at GPR they agreed to drop ship the stabilizers. So whatever was ready to ship is on its way. The Firebolt kits will ship next week so I'm told.
Haven't heard anything. Loki, I know you needed yours the most since you were leaving. Sucks dude. [down]

We're you able to get an address for Puzzled?
I'll call tomorrow to try to get some tracking numbers. I've sent several emails with no reply so a call is in order. It looks like some shipped the previous week and the rest last week acording to the my account statement.

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