GPR Stabilizers

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Let's all assume the price has gone down...
If the price went up I would think puzzle would have cough up that little gem, when he checked for color options and placed the orders.
I hope they didn't go up... Did they go down and should I expect a refund of some sort ? Figures are crossed


They went up in price. That won't affect the current group buy as I will honor the old price. Going forward there will be an increase.
Let's all assume the price has gone down...
If the price went up I would think puzzle would have cough up that little gem, when he checked for color options and placed the orders.

I'll eat the difference as it's my fault for not checking pricing when I checked on color availability. No big deal.
Puzzled, I'm not asking you to eat it. I'll pay it. I work in an industry where pricing changes daily so I get it. Let me know what I owe, and I'll send it to you.
Thank you for the offer, it is not necessary.

I would think the stabilizers would ship before the end of the week. The only way I can tell they ship is I see an invoice posted on my account. Usually they are at my door step by the time I receive a tracking number. LOL
Lol well each little update like that is all im looking for. I just hope i can get this in before i leave for the summer.
GPR will let me know when they process the order. From past expierence they are made, packaged and shipped within a week. 4-5 days to me and 2-3 days to you (I ship Priority).

Any update on eta's?
Man... Hasn't it only been 6 days? What do you want him to do....forward the tracking number from gpr to him, so you can follow them to his house?

It's a simple question, he offered a simple answer. Easy enough without your waste of time chime in.
Yeah squid, im just as curious about this as netty. Some of us might not have the extra time to wait for the gpr. I for one will be in fort lee next week for a month and so i want this before i go.
Look..... I'm pissing a ring around myself too... But I do have commen sence to know if I order something through the mail it takes a week to get to me... So if it is going to someone else's house first that's one week then to mine thats two weeks. So if it payed on the 10th I'm assuming that I'll see it by Friday or Wednesday next week.

Oh yeah thanks for the [down] too...grow up

I'm not sure why this has escalted? I wasn't upset with the process, wasn't mad, I was just curious. Excited for it to come in the mail. That's it. Simple as that.

Based on the given timeline,
GPR will let me know when they process the order. From past expierence they are made, packaged and shipped within a week. 4-5 days to me and 2-3 days to you (I ship Priority).
we are right in that sweet spot for delivery, so I was just asking. I'm not holding anyone to it, and as stated above, not mad or upset about the process. Just curious!!

That's it!

+1 Squid! It's all good!
Yeah squid, im just as curious about this as netty. Some of us might not have the extra time to wait for the gpr. I for one will be in fort lee next week for a month and so i want this before i go.

Just in case.... shoot me an adress of where you're going and I can ship it to you.