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Nice stuff going on here.
RT once you get your data done at EBR fetch it and look at it. Dont send it to me. I dont need or want it.

use ecmread to fetch the data its free. use tunerpro to open every detail of the ecm.

I bet your going to see a 60/40 split on fuel 40%of the map will have less fuel. 60% more fuel. same thing for timing. less in most of the places for peek tq and while getting peek egt for HP/Tq matched to the fuel. should be about 1 to 3 hrs avg depending on how far its off. If its a long session the bike will need a cool down session breaks cause the fuel get hot in the frame and changes the burn rate. nothing you dont know as a master mech.


For those with 08 up bikes you have many rows of unused fuel values in tunerpro. You can rename these zero rpms and make use of them. This is stuff I have been doing for years. (not limited to 08 up it does all bikes).

Tuner pro is an extension from our old ecm tool way back before you even had timing and other maps and configuration pages. we use other tools then made the changes directly in the eeprom. Thats how we found what needed to be in the public eyes and ralf added those datas to the ecmspy. There was a program we used to convert this other programs data into a txt data after a while. This was so it was not so crazy always hand typing every cell. Those were the

we now are on the brink of ecmspy mono going public. It has even more than any tuning software. See the Q&A page on it has everything you could ever want and need. It even has modes to input the wideband data to the ecm. which I have done for years now its just knowing how and where to changes the data to allow for such details. some programs are lacking because everything abd every bean was not spilled to them in worry they were using us and we would get pushed aside then bad mouthed. we were correct... now they have fallen behind with sub prime tuning. over priced and it wont work that way thats why the three leaders actually stopped doing it. that way has more misses than hits. It takes datalogs to match it to the bike. even if I did your bike on the dyno here in FL. you took it back north I had to have the person datalog for their area to match it correctly. the dyno and human eye cant match machine data and real world road data.

Octo: nice writing. Love it when A picture is all in perspective. Different fuel types burn different and even then they burn different at different temps and different altitudes. hence the funny running some people are seeing. fuel in the usa is different than other countries. IMO its like the epa inspections. You would not want them to pull your car/bike in and use a clunkers exhaust for the readout. Thats what your getting on a dyno tune to a different bike. Whats the condition of the engine? whats the compression and many other factors. I have said it before using and sharing maps is all good but its like shooting fish in a barrel. you will hit some and miss more. once you stack your self up with all the misses it takes months to fix it. I know dyno tunes on a setup dont share well overall. datalog and match your ecm to your bike, with you on it in your area and your climate. I have two maps a summer and a winter. they are totally different looking.


Likes 100 AFV. wide bands make it faster and slightly more accurate but if you take the time it can be done with NB sensors. It's best done on front and rear though.
This is the stuff I stay away from, since I basically understoof about 10% of what xoptiixedrsx just said.

I know what AF, O2, Maps, timing and what not but in no way do I know how to apply them to make the best performance, guess that is why like RT said I leave it to the pros[up]
I like mine stock. The only mod I'm thinking about is a girl on the back at least topless so I can take a pic and make a contrbution to Buell Porn...ok, so I can't afford that mod, so I guess it's going to stay stock
all of the Buell ECMs learn at least a little

the Buell race set, when bought and installed as a whole, is a well tuned system that does work and produces very good power without additional work

it runs pretty rich, which doesn't hurt your power; just leaves unburnt fuel

I think you are going at this deal way to aggressively, it takes some pretty major issues in the turning in order to hurt your power band in a major way

that's what I know, and I've done a lot of tuning on the race kit and with a number for changes to intake and exhaust stuff
lawdog which spark plugs do you use with the stock map running better and which exhaust and filter?
ha haaaa. So much fun and so little time... Glad the Tunerpro Rt is doing well for many. I worked my fingers off on that one...

You can get the tune correct with NB, however you also can refine it faster with Wb and a little more stable.
Both ways will work one (NB) will take more time thats all.

As for what can T-Pro do OSB/ cant Pretty much everything...

Many remember that I was the first to start with ecmspy in the USA and that was a long time ago. I helped on data for it as well as other peoples stuff. I did many beta test and ect with the build team. I have been stabbed in the back more than once. (No I am not perfect either.)
I have taught many a lot of good traits and answer their needed questions about the ecm. I still hold a lot of undisclosed data as well. I talk (chat) with Octo weekly on something, some times not bike related sometimes it is. He has come a long way in the ecm process. For those who think its all bull. well, your wrong. Even EBR sells ecms for different fuel types for the same setup. They even state that they refine the ecm for you and if its not doing well they will allot you to upgrade the the full tunable ecm so you can datalog to get the needed values for your bike and conditions. no different than doing it with a stock ecm and Tunerpro.
I work directly with a few race teams asra, ccs and wera all are on the podium ofter all use different maps at different tracks... wonder why? cause its a conditions thing. we have been using different maps during the same day just due to weather. Kdfad (Kevin and I talk every month or so on stuff as well. His maps he sends out I made. Step one was to dyno make them. step two was to raod adjust. step three was to re-dyno to see how they look when correct on the actual road over the dyno. spet four set the dyno up so that it mimics the same map. the settings on the dyno is very critical to get the mechanics correct. this will allow you to use that setup on a Buell to make other maps. If the dyno is not set right it will be off on the maps once you put it on the road.

The Key is data log the bike tune it to match where you ride it. Not a dyno map. especially made on a different bike somewhere else. Europe has different fuel additives and packages they run , hell the same stations in the USA have different fuel on the east coast than the west coast. Our ecms are smart, however they do not have the sensors cars do. The bikes are limited to their learning that all. Just do your self a favor and adjust it to the bike and where you ride.

We already had the xb12 tour the USA all four corners and do the mappings and feedback on how its running on a certain map in different conditions. I was very shocked to see how poor the auto corrections are. Altitude in moisture are not adjusted for very well at all. A few small datalogs and adjustments corrected it every time.

The book is over.. now get out and ride...