Happy Dance!

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so, is this "Happy Dance" gonna be on of those moments where I spew my favorite cold beverage out my nose, cause I'm laughing so freaking hard:D:D:D
Never said I wouldn't. Just said I didn't have the resources to set up a video/camera to capture the visual myself.

think seajay needs to make a video of the "Happy Dance" since we're a visual crowd

i concur. and if you could incorporate a "pole" and pair of thigh-high latex boots into this dance i would be most appreciative, ma'am.
kbfnail...please do. I was going to comment earlier about the dancing kitty, but drew a blank, the only thing that came to mind was "fail" then read lunatic's posting and couldn't stop laughing...
i concur. and if you could incorporate a "pole" and pair of thigh-high latex boots into this dance i would be most appreciative, ma'am.

That visual goes to the Buell Chicks thread because if I participated in that, you'd be stuck in
..couldn't stop laughing...
mode. :D
Interesting observation I have made regarding my fan. I have had my 08 stt for 2 weeks now, and have riden it every day to work. 10 mile ride over the sepulveda pass in los angeles. Every time i pull in to our parking structure at work and turn off the bike, the fan kicks in for a good 3 minutes. Every time. Bike has 5500 miles on it, i have put about 500. I just changed the oil last night and noticed this morning when i got to work the fan didnt kick on. Could this be because of fresh new oil=better heat dissapation?? The oil was pretty black when I drained it, and had a good collection of metal shavings on the magnetic tip of the drain plug....not sure if thats normal or not. The temp is always the same 70 degrees in the morning, so that variable has not changed. Same traffic type. Could the fresh oil be making the temp run cooler?

What are your thoughts?
possibly. i love fresh clean oil myself but them i'm a queer. my understanding is that the heat temp switch on the rear cylinder has only a few fahrenheit degrees of operating range meaning anything below that parameter it will not tell the ECM to go to ground and kick on fan...anything above and it does. i'm betting it just saw a tad lower temp and no fan activation.
that's exactly what happened with my fan. fresh oil, fan stopped coming on. hmmmmm....BTW... said "Happy Dance" video has been created.. in full gear per your request. how do you post such things???
To answer your question, kbfnail:

no changing the subject to riding...this is about the "Happy Dance", oh, let's not forget in full riding gear video or it didn't happen

I now bring you, the Happy Dance!
As some may know, I had concerns with regard to the fan not coming on anymore on my '03 9R. I installed a new engine temp sensor, took the bike to a V-twin shop to see if there was power in the fan. Nothing. No codes thrown. No limp mode. Been running it in the murderously hot desert (111 degrees on average), and the bike still goes. And goes. But not the fan. So today I ran it out hard (because it was fun). When I was finished, I pulled into my garage, and the ever so sweet sound of a hot bike cooling down with its own fan! Yes! Happy dance was performed without shame in the middle of my driveway! Thanks for letting me share.

Where are you that the temps are that high??? Sounds a lot like Yuma Az!?!? I'm here (Yuma) for the week with work and the heat is insane!!!!
Thanks! *Takes a bow* Hottschott: who is OP? Thrstrmech: I'll let you keep on dreamin' ;-). SWATcltch: Absolutely!! ReconLdr: Palm Desert hot! 89 miles 1 way. awesome set of twisties! it's like a video game! complete with snakes to run over! lol!