You can spin it anyway you want, but the truth is that, presently, an all electric vehicle, whether it be a car or motorcycle, does not have anywhere near the versatility of an internal combustion vehicle. You say the technology will be ready next year. Tesla has been saying the technology would be ready now, five years ago, and they have only marginally improved their range since then.
I think it's a massive stretch to say it doesn't have "anywhere near" the versatility. My little pickup truck goes 350 miles on a tank of gas, and takes a few minutes to fill it up (and costs $40 to do so). The Tesla Model S goes 300 miles on a full charge (if you don't have the newer larger capacity battery packs) and will charge in 30-45 minutes FOR FREE (though I understand the tax side is up for debate. But EVERYONE shares in those taxes, so why not reap some of the rewards?). I would call that pretty darn similar. Now I realize different people have different standards, but I haven't had to drive for 300 miles without a stop for a couple months. Really the ONLY time that range comes in to play is if you are taking a roadtrip.
And on the other side of the barrel, the Tesla is doing this while being FASTER than a Buell XB12 and on par with the 1125 in the 1/4 mile. Personally I think that is a pretty impressive feat. Pretty much any internal combustion engine car that can turn a 10 second quarter mile from the factory either gets single digit gas mileage and would be trash at daily commuting, and here's a family sedan that is quiet and sophisticated and fairly understated, that can run with modern 600cc bikes. Pretty nuts.
I don't own an electric car, and I have no plans to. I'm just a car and bike enthusiast who has respect for technology. I don't want the internal combustion engine to go away, and I don't think it will in our lifetime. And even once it stops being the mainstream power maker in our daily driver cars (hopefully a century away), it will most likely live on as a hobby in drag cars and motorcycles and such.