Harley leaving Milwaukee!!!

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Greed and selfishness are nothing more than current buzzwords.

The "oil giants" are not raping the country. The politicians that prevented them from drilling in more accessible locations are equally to blame for the BP spill as is the government that oversaw and monitored the drilling. There is plenty of oil that can be drilled for that isn't a MILE deep in the water. But no, lets not allow that.

Greed and selfishness have nothing to do with drug dealers. I don't even get that. That is ignorance, unfortunately the animals that deal drugs aren't publicly executed, especially the ones that prey on children.

Greed and selfishness is 100% to blame for the scumbags that make up our Government. There needs to be term limits, government was never meant to be a life long career and allowing it has caused a great deal of this mess we're in. If the politicians hadn't spent the country into this enormous hole we wouldn't need to be taxed to death which forces companies to move overseas where they can be more profitable and in return offer their investors (ie: GREEDY Americans) a better return on their investment.

As for Greed, it's what makes the US economy work, it's what creates all the wealth and standard of living we all get to enjoy in this country. No one needs to fool themselves, the poorest among us in the US live better lifestyles than the the majority of the rest of the world. Bill Gates is one greedy bastard, but look at how many jobs he has created, how many people he made wealthy while he was becoming absolutely filthy rich. All the people that started companies that employ the millions of Americans did so for selfish purposes, to MAKE money, and more than they could working for someone else. No one goes into business hoping that they make less than they could punching a clock for someone else.

The biggest problem the country faces is the absolute sense of entitlement that is felt by so many here. Thanks to our corrupt gov't the rank and file of the entitlement class grow everyday. Until this stops and we return to a culture of hard working, responsible for ourselves people the country will continue to decline. The "Greatest Generation" and those before them had to earn everything they had, and they are who built this great nation, and they are getting to watch it collapse in their twilight. Thanks to the government that perpetuated the policies of FDR which were meant to be temporary we are now infected with millions upon millions who feel they "deserve" everything simply by being born.

Sorry, this got way off topic but it hit a nerve.
Not meant as an attack triple7.
They really make their money off merchandise not motorcycles. People buy into the lifestyle of Harley Davidson. A biker is a mindset not a lifestyle. Most who buy HD are not bikers. If someone tells you they have a Harley do you see them as a biker? Do they fly colors or are they just dressed in pirate gear? There's a big difference.

60 to 70 percent of their revenue comes from shirts not bikes and the percentage of merchandise buyers that are bike owners is probably less than 40%.

Not even close. $808.8 million for bikes in Q2, $66.3 for clothes in the same period.

Greed is bad, I have worked for Union and non-Union. The company I work for now (union)we have been on strike 11 weeks I won't name any names (DR. Pepper Snapple Group). They had a profit of 555 million yet they want to cut our pay 1.50 per hour it was 2.50 but NY has a % you can't cut more than so they went with 1.50 . No more pension cut or benefits and make us pay more for them ,I don't mind paying more but don't give us less of them. If they were losing money i could see it but they aren't. There are other way to save and cut spending like waste etc. All these company are going to kill the middle class to fill their pockets . If Harley wants to move, with no middle class they still won't sell bikes
Not even close. $808.8 million for bikes in Q2, $66.3 for clothes in the same period.
How about historically? And how about licensing world wide? And where is their greatest gross profit from?
Greed is bad, I have worked for Union and non-Union. The company I work for now (union)we have been on strike 11 weeks
What is greedy? An assembler that makes $30 bucks plus benefits an hour (for a total of $55) or the guy who started the company and gave the assembler a job? This country gives everyone a chance to make it big, and anyone who works hard can become successful. If a person wants to be a worker and thinks they deserve to have certain things given to them, I say they should take a risk and start their own company and see the what it takes. Until then be glad you have an opportunity to feed your family and yourself and don't assume someone owes you something.
Greedy - excessive desire. I never said they owed me anything and when you assume it just makes an ass out of u and me
I wasn't talking about you I was making a point about a lot of people who think just because they work a person or company they are entitled. They are entitled to a pay check, if they can do better they should. Some desire to be owners, some only want to work. nothing wrong with either one. In this country if someone has a desire to be successful they shouldn't be knocked for it.

Explain what you mean by excessive desire? What is greedy? A person who starts a company with his own sweat and tears who is a multi millionaire? Is there a limit to what he or she can or should make? And should they give a portion of there wealth other than wages to the workers? I'm curious as to your views. Seriously, no bs.
Ok, the oil companies do NOT make 1000% profit, not even remotely close. Research that and also look into their profit margins, which is much more indicative of any "greed" that may be taking place.

The reason they are drilling that far out is that is where it is allowed because it would be blasphemous to drill closer to shore in shallow water or in ANWR. For that you can thank the scumbags in government. We need oil, they have to drill for it where it is. At this point a lot of the oil in the Gulf is being drilled for by China.

Solar power is prohibitively expensive and only works with government subsidy, ie: taxpayer money for someone else's personal use. Wind works where there's enough, but again, the powers that be, the Democrats, shot it down in Mass.

As for motors that get 100mpg... do you really think that they could keep that under wraps? Thats conspiracy theory stuff. If, and it's a really really big if there was such a motor and an oil company owned the patent, which if it existed we would be allowed to see as they are public record, they would stand to make more on it than oil because it would be so popular they couldn't make enough of them and then the resource they need most to stay solvent would last them longer and their most expensive liability, exploratory drilling, wouldn't negatively impact their margins as much.

Either way, the world is what it is. Buying American won't change it anymore than other countries buying their own goods. The only thing I would like to see is if any country imposes a tariff on US imports then there should be an equal tariff here for their goods. I believe in free trade, period. Whats good for the goose should be good for the gander. If other countries don't want to play by those rules than cancel trade with them, although I wouldn't want to have to explain that to the employees of companies that do export lots of goods, like Caterpillar.
smokey yunicks hot vapor fiero 51 miles per gallon 0-60 6 seconds.this patent was sold to oil company in the 80s.this vechicle was carburated and did not have the benefit of computer controls and fuel injection.i see no reason this technology would not have surpassed 100 miles per gallon by now.if it wasnt trashed for profit reasons.theres many more examples out there.
How about historically? And how about licensing world wide? And where is their greatest gross profit from?

1. Historically it is about the same.
2. All companies report earnings worldwide.
3. Bikes! 808:60!

Yeah it is fun to trash talk Harley guys and just say they're buying a lifestyle with their Harley jackets and hats, but they start that lifestyle with a $15k bike.
And yet the evil oil companies haven't squashed hybrids yet, or the Chevy Volt? We're talking about billions of dollars here, these cars will never produce that kind of profit.
hybrids dont get good enough fuel milage.40 mpg today is nothing when i met my wife she had a precius that got 35 mpg in 88 it was carburated. you must be younger research the ev1 this was crushed by big oil.ifc network has doc on this.the ev1 was chevys first ele car.
It is very cool you can get on a site like this with all these different opinions and we can be civil with each other. Thanks guys, I appreciate all your input and thoughts. Thanks coda for giving me your opinion and not making me feel like an idiot. This site rules. :)
1. Historically it is about the same.
2. All companies report earnings worldwide.
3. Bikes! 808:60!
And these bullet points don't prove much. These are not historic financial statements or year end reports. Wow! is this your proof? "Historically it is about the same"? For what a quarter? A year? Ten? Fifteen? Historically it's about the same! OK, you did a cut and paste from one quarter so that is historical?
Read the link. They list all their financial reports for years. The sentance after what I cut for you says exactly how far off both numbers are from the year before.