Harley's sales drop. Imagine that!

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I think Zotrim is the best and is a big reason for some of the drop off in Motorcycle riding.
It's significantly more dangerous to be on a motorcycle nowadays due to how distracted the majority of car drivers are.

So true. If you're in a populated area, forget about it. You're on borrowed time every time you sit on a bike. What do you think the solution is? More police?
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Sorry to have to say this but, I have a schedule 40 pipe bumper on my pick up truck, if I pass someone drive stupid and on their cell phone, I don't hesitate to cut in front of them close, to wake them up. Heaven help them, if I see them doing it next to a biker !
23 year old here! I got my first bike a 1980 Yamaha XS850 turned caferacer... I actually traded my car straight up for it, and 3 years later I still have the Yammy... Put 20,000 miles on her myself! I live in Michigan! Now I'm looking to upgrade to a Buell but that's another topic.... It has to do with many things... Just like smoking cigarettes as teens has died down, motorcycling has too.. All those PSA's did actually work.... Plus kids these days are more interested in having blue tooth in their Hyundai than wanting a V8... So naturally many would rather ride in comfort than on two wheels.... Its easy to blame millennial's but you guys created the world we grew up in... Next time you hate on the bun wearing kid riding a new Royal Enfield, just know, your part of the problem... here's my list of contributing factors, that happened while I grew up...
-Lack of shop classes to fix motorcycles
-Mommy buying you a car so you don't buy a motorcycle
-Motorcycles are deadly campaigns
-Less motorcycles in movies
-Lack of motorcycles in public, and parking
-Never taught how to drive a manual
-General pussification of society (Bluetooth over a V8 for example) Girls don't care for the bad boy image much, the new bad boys are the *********s... Hence the rise in leasing luxury cars as a teen

My thoughts
The old guy who created Bluetooth isn't at fault when the young hipster in the Hyundai slams into my bike because he's distracted.

responsibility for a fault or wrong; blame.
"a level of moral culpability"
synonyms: guilt, blame, fault, responsibility, accountability, liability, answerability;

My issue with the younger generation is their failure to take responsibility.

Your post is ironic.
Just the millennial bashing gets old.

Actually, it doesn't! LOL!

It wasnt that long ago when us Gen X-er's were in the same boat as the Millennials. You'll get your turn before you know it. I was 23... 23 years ago. haha.

Fun Fact: Spicoli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High was actually based on Cooters high school years.
That said, I've met some Millennials who have done some amazing things... and some Gen X-ers (like myself) whose highlights in life are looking for validation on this forum (luckily Cooter tells me I'm pretty), and finding a way to move back into my parents basement.

You called it out like a champ with this... "but you guys created the world we grew up in"
23 year old here! I got my first bike a 1980 Yamaha XS850 turned caferacer... I actually traded my car straight up for it, and 3 years later I still have the Yammy... Put 20,000 miles on her myself! I live in Michigan! Now I'm looking to upgrade to a Buell but that's another topic.... It has to do with many things... Just like smoking cigarettes as teens has died down, motorcycling has too.. All those PSA's did actually work.... Plus kids these days are more interested in having blue tooth in their Hyundai than wanting a V8... So naturally many would rather ride in comfort than on two wheels.... Its easy to blame millennial's but you guys created the world we grew up in... Next time you hate on the bun wearing kid riding a new Royal Enfield, just know, your part of the problem... here's my list of contributing factors, that happened while I grew up...
-Lack of shop classes to fix motorcycles
-Mommy buying you a car so you don't buy a motorcycle
-Motorcycles are deadly campaigns
-Less motorcycles in movies
-Lack of motorcycles in public, and parking
-Never taught how to drive a manual
-General pussification of society (Bluetooth over a V8 for example) Girls don't care for the bad boy image much, the new bad boys are the *********s... Hence the rise in leasing luxury cars as a teen

My thoughts

Ill sell you an 04 XB12s, Im in Kzoo
23 year old here! I got my first bike a 1980 Yamaha XS850 turned caferacer... I actually traded my car straight up for it, and 3 years later I still have the Yammy... Put 20,000 miles on her myself! I live in Michigan! Now I'm looking to upgrade to a Buell but that's another topic.... It has to do with many things... Just like smoking cigarettes as teens has died down, motorcycling has too.. All those PSA's did actually work.... Plus kids these days are more interested in having blue tooth in their Hyundai than wanting a V8... So naturally many would rather ride in comfort than on two wheels.... Its easy to blame millennial's but you guys created the world we grew up in... Next time you hate on the bun wearing kid riding a new Royal Enfield, just know, your part of the problem... here's my list of contributing factors, that happened while I grew up...
-Lack of shop classes to fix motorcycles
-Mommy buying you a car so you don't buy a motorcycle
-Motorcycles are deadly campaigns
-Less motorcycles in movies
-Lack of motorcycles in public, and parking
-Never taught how to drive a manual
-General pussification of society (Bluetooth over a V8 for example) Girls don't care for the bad boy image much, the new bad boys are the *********s... Hence the rise in leasing luxury cars as a teen

My thoughts

Hey Ian,

Interesting video about Harleys situation.

I have Bluetooth in my motorcycle helmet.

Best reply ever.

On another note, f**k this pointless multi-generational conflict. We've been blaming each other for everything and nothing - that's not leading anywhere although it's always been like that. The parents of my parents thought they were all punks going nowhere. I've been hanging out with people both much older and younger (sometimes dangerous jailbait though, let's be real THAT is a real conversation) - the only thing that matters really is just listening to each other, learning what we can from each other, and understand there's more positive to take from our differences than negative.

The Harley-Davidson case is overly complicated because the motorcycle market itself isn't doing great in the USA. Safety concerns, development of the ride-sharing economy, new energy, automation, public transportation, etc ... The world of transportation is transforming insanely fast. Plus, HD definitely has some intense challenges to address, because of its history, its strategy and other factors. It's going to be a hell of a lot of risks to take for them to try to move the MC market in a good direction - that's not easy.

I don't want to cede to pure "brand bashing". They did great things by the past, some more discutable choices as well (Buell, but also remember the context and how bad the economy was at the time). I'll just watch and see what happens, hoping for the best. And try to support the brand if I can with my wallet if it feels like going in the right direction!
Here's a great example of multi-generational issues. I remember growing up that this was a bad thing.

Well said Herawan. If everyone (old and young) took responsibility of their actions and for their own situation, there would be no squabbling.

Damn them hipsters make a good cup of coffee though....:eagerness:
Millennials...... the generation of entitlement. Raising weaker, kneeling men . Many who are gender confused. Come on America! Lets ride and make America great again. Man up.
Millennials...... the generation of entitlement. Raising weaker, kneeling men . Many who are gender confused. Come on America! Lets ride and make America great again. Man up.

At least millennials answered the call after 9/11 instead of being a bunch of draft dodging hippies like the boomers
so typical of this board and the internet in general. thread commenced to discuss new bike sales and has now made a left turn and deteriorated into name calling and military-responsibility opinions. and for what it's worth Bub.......my boomer generation served admirably and proudly in both the military and police departments here at home. i happen to be one of them. :mad-new:

So, yeah... back to the point of the thread then. Any one else hear about the Harley internship where they are getting college grads to spend a year riding around on a bike, that they get to keep as long as they fulfill their ambassadorship by posting it all in social media and showing off how cool the life style is. http://fortune.com/2018/04/21/harley-davidson-internship-travel/
Thats really cool! I'll totally get a facebook account and a man bun for a free Harley and a ride around 'Murica! What a good idea:)

Lunatic, thank you for your service. As much as I appreciate the men and women who choose to get paid to be first-responders, their job will never compare to the realities of a real war or actually being in service to our country.
so typical of this board and the internet in general. thread commenced to discuss new bike sales and has now made a left turn and deteriorated into name calling and military-responsibility opinions. and for what it's worth Bub.......my boomer generation served admirably and proudly in both the military and police departments here at home. i happen to be one of them. :mad-new:

I was just proving a point that every generation has it's flakes so don't talk bad about others

I spend a fair amount of time out on the open road. Sad to say but most of the riders I encounter are 50 plus. Like me-- I road hard on my Norton Dom 650, back in the day, but when the family came along I gave all that up. 25 years later I picked it up again as then the kids were grown and I had some extra time and $$.

Always a mistake to generalize about generations--They called me a freak back when because I had long hair and a beard. Now a days, the piercings, tats, general mutilation and gender confused crowd are the freaks. Well, they are freaks.

I think a big issue to not seeing young people out there are the big barriers to entry-- First costs, and the big one -- insurance. Heck the insurance on a financed bike often equals the bike payment. Oddly, WA state is one of the few that do not require insurance of any sort on motorbikes--even so, not many young riders out there. Yeah it is a bad and dangerous sport with terrible stats

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