23 year old here! I got my first bike a 1980 Yamaha XS850 turned caferacer... I actually traded my car straight up for it, and 3 years later I still have the Yammy... Put 20,000 miles on her myself! I live in Michigan! Now I'm looking to upgrade to a Buell but that's another topic.... It has to do with many things... Just like smoking cigarettes as teens has died down, motorcycling has too.. All those PSA's did actually work.... Plus kids these days are more interested in having blue tooth in their Hyundai than wanting a V8... So naturally many would rather ride in comfort than on two wheels.... Its easy to blame millennial's but you guys created the world we grew up in... Next time you hate on the bun wearing kid riding a new Royal Enfield, just know, your part of the problem... here's my list of contributing factors, that happened while I grew up...
-Lack of shop classes to fix motorcycles
-Mommy buying you a car so you don't buy a motorcycle
-Motorcycles are deadly campaigns
-Less motorcycles in movies
-Lack of motorcycles in public, and parking
-Never taught how to drive a manual
-General pussification of society (Bluetooth over a V8 for example) Girls don't care for the bad boy image much, the new bad boys are the *********s... Hence the rise in leasing luxury cars as a teen
My thoughts