Yessir! I couldn't resist. She showed up not too far away with only 900 miles. A Holy-grail bike for me Don't need it, shouldn't afford it, don't care. She's purrty:love_heart:
Yessir! I couldn't resist. She showed up not too far away with only 900 miles. A Holy-grail bike for me Don't need it, shouldn't afford it, don't care. She's purrty:love_heart:
I would put it in a long chrome tube, and mount it to the side of the bike, and make it REALLY LOUD!
"Nice" and while we have the speaker could it also have tappet and cam chain noises and maybe an app for motorbike style smells, gas, engine oil, even two stroke, for me and my life time I would rather keep the original and leave the simulated bikes for the next generation not that the youth in Europe seem interested as we are in two wheels, what's it like with you guys is there a thriving interest in motorcycling from your youth?
Thanks for the link!
I dunno BB? The Zero is a better bike by every measure, range, speed, HP, charging time, looks, and at 2/3 the price! but... it's not a Harley.
IMO, besides the emblem on the tank, the Live Wire isn't made by H-D either but I don't think that or even being "better" matters to the Live-Wire target audience. All both of those people:sorrow:
The styling of that new Zero sure looks like an early Monster to me:love_heart: If 110Hp, 95% charge in an hour and 161-200 mile range are real world numbers, I could see the Zero as a viable second bike, and things are getting better fast!
With those looks and stats, I get the feeling there will be a bunch of weed delivery guys trading in their Groms this year
Everyone, including H-D knew the Zero was coming. They aren't in competition with each other. At least thats what H-D is hoping.
Image is what they are selling. That's why performance doesn't matter. H-Ds whole identity is a loud, chrome middle finger to whatever is currently cool. So why is H-D compromising their oh-so-invaluable-image with the Livewire? Even their (honestly kick-ass) new line of bikes?
The smart move would be to stick to Ultra Classics and grow or shrink with that market. They have always been the best at those. Trying to be the cool kids now, can't work. Once a company that sells 'image' loses it. It's over. Forever.