Harley's sales drop. Imagine that!

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I have been all over and still live in Cali. It has changed for the worst very dramatically and even though I consider it home, it's time to go to somewhere humans actually have some freedom.

It does still have perks they can't take away though! My ride tonight in the middle of February. Suck it snowy places:)
I have been all over and still live in Cali. It has changed for the worst very dramatically and even though I consider it home, it's time to go to somewhere humans actually have some freedom.

It does still have perks they can't take away though! My ride tonight in the middle of February. Suck it snowy places:)

I envy the MV but not the Cali. That is a beautiful sunset/pic though.
Awesome pic Cooter!!!! Ur a*s is griping the seat too much, relax when you lean in the turns. :love_heart:
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Kalifornia scares other people. Up north of Seattle they say 'don't Kalifornicate Washington'.

Is your sunset photo anywhere near Neptunes Net?
Yeah, the west is going, going, gone. I grew up in the Puget Sound area and it was really great.

So Cooter, I showed that picture to my wife and she asked the same thing about Neptune's. We were there 5 years ago and loved to sit and watch the sunset and the bikes and bikers and have a glass of wine. And ride those roads up into the hills.

And, how about another picture of that brutal-ass Moto Veloce?
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They've been saying "Don't Bring Your California Too..." since the 1970's when my parents took me from Cali to Orygun as a child. Now I just heard it again... in Nashville:hororr: Lol. People WANT more .gov control here. So weird. I'll be leaving soon.

I was coming back from riding Mulholland and almost home on PCH. About 20 miles south of Neptunes Net. Great place for fresh fish;) It got COLD after the sun went down, maybe low 50's?! :eagerness: Yes, thats positive 50's:cool: I had to make a hot toddy when I got home.

This beach in >1/2 mile from my pad. Like I said, Cali does have some benefits if you use them right:angel:

I'll quit clogging up this thread, sorry. Master de-railer!
They are trying to peddle the electric future all across the globe, The Harley and other Leckie bikes cost a small fortune, have limited range and the battery packs cost a lot of dosh to replace, anyway how can it be good for the environment when it needs special materials to produce the power plant.
Some bright spark over here also pointed out that it would be hazardous to the impaired of hearing for a machine with no noise should they try to cross the road suppose they would need an imitation bike sound :D
But for you guys trying to cross from one state to another would use up your vacation on overnight stops and re-charging.
Cooter sez: They've been saying "Don't Bring Your California Too..." since the 1970's when my parents took me from Cali to Orygun as a child. Ol' Orygun Guvner McCall had it right. I don't remember the exact words but he said come on up to Oregon and spend your money but make sure and go home.

I didn't have a Buell then. (for the content cops)

and thanks for the pix
Dastardy you have valid points for the current state of electric vehicles. Puuuuunnnnnnn!!!!

They are still in the development stage and need to be beta tested on a mass scale, just like petrol vehicles were in the early 1900's. The point is to find better, less earth damaging ways to make better batteries with longer range. No one should buy an electric bike for cross country travel, there just isn't the infrastructure, yet.. And Electric vehicles DO have an on-board speaker that activates engine noises at low speed for peds. A electric motorcycle would be no different, I would imagine the Live Wire has a speaker.

I would put it in a long chrome tube, and mount it to the side of the bike, and make it REALLY LOUD! :confused::applause:
Dastardy you have valid points for the current The point is to find better, less earth damaging ways to make better batteries with longer range.

Not to mention a safer way to mine for the materials. Most EV-anglists either ignore that or are oblivious to it.