Harley's sales drop. Imagine that!

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Just to balance things out--I ride with my Grandson who has a new R1--Hard to keep up with, even with the 1190RX!

The bad stats show that the highest fatality's are in the 50ish demographic. Mostly these are guys who can finally afford the time and $ but have never ridden before. Practice makes perfect and these guys just plunk down the cash and head out.

Lunatic, One thing I noticed, 10 or 15 years after I gave up riding, was there 3-4 times as many guys zooming around doing what I used to be doing. I thought that was pretty cool and healthy. Nowadays--not so many out there. Hard to put one's finger on "why"--Could be the fault of the school system that does its best to feminize young men, basic social squashing and risk averse -- beats me.


I guess the whole thing boils down to time management. If one can break free of the 9-5, Mon-Fri --that is when the cafes are empty, the PoPo's are taking the day off, and the roads are pretty empty. I always try to ride during the week. So yeah young crowd on the weekend is pretty accurate.

I just try to be the best ambassador of motorcycling I can be.

I have introduced many many kids to dirt bikes, (some took to it, others never again), and taught tons of friends how to ride whatever current POS bike I had at the time. I ride with courtesy in traffic, and represent myself as well as I can. Theres a reason I have 5 helmets and jackets that aren't even my size!

BTW, I have refined a pretty easy fail safe teaching technique for newbie riders that has served me (and them) well.

I love when their eyes light up and they 'get it'. The freedom, the speed, the excitement. Makes me happy to share what I love so much:D

Kumbaya my Lord.... kumbaya...... lol
I've been called many things but, never a flake, would it help if a said " I never inhaled " ? We're all United States citizen's or aspiring to be. While millennials have had it somewhat easier, you must remember most industry left by then so they turned to computers, and robotics, technical type stuff and thank goodness they did, or us older generations would be lost. As far as 911 goes, we had a specific job to do ( it's called payback ! ) I wanted to go and kick some butt but too old. While I'm still somewhat scrappy and can still snipe very well, it takes me all day to do what, I used to do all day. Bottom line, we're glad you answered the call ! Thank you !
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I didnt read all the comments, but at the moment, if HD brought back Buell, they could make a ton of moola.
Buell style bikes have been the top sellers for the past couple of years, as well as all this retro stuff.
Lots of buahy bearded IPA drinkers out there
I have to say that I ride less on weekends and won't even attempt to ride on 3 day weekends. I'm 57 and retired, so this isn't a big deal. Too many cars on the road, too dangerous, especially here on the central California coast where tourists are looking for a place to park or a place to eat and not paying attention to the road.
I used to give my old gray haired Aunt rides in the car a lot before she passed, you know, just to get her out of the house. She was always astonished at the amount of cars on the road. I think she was right. It's crazy how many more cars are on the road now than 20 years ago. Hell, I drive by the local High School and the parking lot is packed full of more expensive cars in it than I want to afford. Everyone has a car. So my point is it's more dangerous due to more cars on the road than in the past and I think this is one reason fewer people are buying motorcycles of any brand.

I have Bluetooth in my helmet as well !!!
I got to thinking about motorcycles today during my daily 3.5 mile walk, the Harley Livewire in particular came to mind, and I thought, "who'd pay 29K for an electric motorcycle"? Then out of the blue a Sheriff passed me going slow and I thought, THE GOVERNMENT, THAT'S WHO'D SHAMELESSLY SHELL OUT 29K FOR AN ELECTRIC MOTORCYCLE ! Think about it. If Harley Davidson marketed this bike to Police Departments from coast to coast and stirred up the Greenies they might be able to pull this off. Are they smart enough?
Theres a scene in iRobot where Will Smith jumps on his MV Agusta to save the heroine from rampaging robots and she's worried enough about the bike she says something like 'Does this thing run on gasoline? Gas explodes ya know!'

He replies "I hope so!" :cool:

Green deal or not, the jack booted thugs will have to pry the V-twin keys out of my cold dead hands.
And just another reason to add to my list of Why California Sucks.

Where will the money come from for road maintenance?
Isn't a lot of that from the tax on gasoline and diesel right now?

Batteries are not the wave of the future.
Reminds me of the song "Red Barchetta" by Rush. Forward thinking lyrics from the 70's that don't seem so unthinkable these days. The kid in the song secretly takes his Uncle's car that has been hidden away for 50 years out for a rip after the "Motor Law" went into effect. He gets chased by 2 police "Alloy Air Cars", but ends up blowing them away and again hiding the car back in his Uncle's farm. Always loved that song.

In my hair
Shifting and drifting
Mechanical music
Adrenaline surge....