has anyone seen....

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Well-known member
Mar 30, 2009
a lightning with just a driver's seat? It'd be pretty radical, but that heavy up front, light in the rear look would be pretty extreme. Plenty of people delete the cheese grater, wonder if anyone's seen just enough for the driver, would have to be completely custom I bet...
I did a little photoshop....
Yeah, I thought about attempting this and then quickly came to my senses once I evaluated the "space" under the seat. every things already tight. the only option would be go to a super small battery or push start the bike.
Lol... +1 on the 1000AAA batteries.

On the serious side, you could look into this.

Give up a little space in the air-filter area, one of those little guys would fit perfectly. The idea of having a Li-Ion battery that close to my balls doesn't really sound all that much fun though.


Just ran across this as well. 3"x3"x5", 240 cranking amps. Not too bad.
or to get a look a bit similar you just get a S tail on a Ss like this
Ok, I couldn't help but posting this... I don't know that I would trust a company with will include a section on "bar hopping" in their FAQ section...

[from their FAQ]
BAR HOPPING & CHARGING - When a vehicle starts, a large amount of energy is drained from a typical battery. Regular batteries take a few minutes (sometimes 10 minutes to recharge the battery from the engine), and typically can only last a few quick stops. Our battery recharges very fast (about 15 seconds) and therefore is not likely to ever eliminate the reserves in the battery allowing unlimited numbers of bar-hopping. This feature also allows a completely dead battery to accept a fast charge (like one minute) to contain enough charge to easily start the motor. Most completely dead acid batteries will not accept a charge after setting dead. Even “almost dead” acid batteries take hours of charging before they can be successful in starting an engine.
wow watch me hijack my own thread! When I bought my bike (xb12s) I didn't realize the ss differences. Where's the thread about converting to at least the ss extended swing arm? is it bolt up or what?
that's actually very similar to what i want to with my seat.. although lose the turn signals, replace the tail light with an led strip and throw in the riser kit that makes the angle steeper.

as far as space, trading the tailight for an led would free up a little room off the jump, then, i want to change the airbox so that the cover is open at the front and change the filter so that it connects directly and can be exposed. This would free up a lot of space in the airbox plus that little chamber where the left scoop directs the air to the original configuration. That way i coudl move most of the electronics, fuses etc. up front and keep my seat mainly for the battery especially after mounting the compressor to the outside.

gonna take a lot of work and gotta get the damn thing running first but i think the idea of just a little seat sounds rad.
I think that sounds like a plan.....I've always loved the way the Ducati's look with this type of Mod, and have alwasy wanted to see a Buell with the same thing...If you try it good luck and keep us posted.
I hardly have room for my toolkit under my XB12Ss's seat!

That'd be one custom rig to shorten the seat like that...
like this?


that's ronnie from ast suspension with his custom made single seater.
ast suspension bike = [down]

I like the concept, but I don't like seeing all that crap (brake res, some other thing bolted to the swingarm, etc.). Plus, the subframe? cowl? not sure wtf it is, but it's under the seat...looks like crap.
yeah i totally disagree neo, respectfully of course. i love seeing all that "crap", to me exposed mechanical devices are way more sexy then ****** plastic dressing. that bike is awesome, it looks like wrangled a wild engine, exactly what i'm going for, thanks LeFox, and btw, you think/know that's how he did it, stashing all the stuff that was under the seat into the airbox cover? i'd've taken it a step further and removed the front modules also, workin on it.. slowly...