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Hey is that a Trooper in your garage?

Yes there is. Not mine though. This one is example of "how to beat tough truck to death"... It has so many issues that I don't even know where to start. Although if it starts it goes.
LOL gotcha, I knew that I recognized those taillights lol. I'm a little Isuzu nerd too
Yo, nothing wrong with a vrod....I own one as well as an xb9 and an 1125cr. Only problem is finding one with mid mounts and a 180 rear. Its the fastest of the 3 and if ridden correctly can embarrass most bikes, not the vmax, but most! Stop hating yall.....only reason the 1125 exists! Jmo!
how is it the only reason the 1125 exists? the v rod is the only reason the 1125 didnt exist sooner from the way i see it.

i do not believe its faster than your 1125. i wasnt necessarily hating on the v rod. Its not bad, but there are others in the same category i like better is all.
No its not faster. I gotta call that out for the false fact that it is. I recently played against a v-rod down coast highway, and from dead stop and rolling it cant beat my 12r, close but still hangs back, and ive been chewed up by an 1125cr. The specs on the bikes should make that clear v-rds push same kinda power as an 1125 but much heavier. And an xb shy on power still lighter.

Btw i think my next bike may be a v-rod they look awesome
Having ridden both Victory AND HD for prolonged periods of time, i can say that the Victory is a tad faster than the HD, but they feel so cheaply made (almost chinese-esque) and they sound like garbage. The reason HD sounds great is the lopey idle. I'll agree though, the Buell to any cruiser is a major drop in many areas. You'll lose MPGs, probably cost more for insurance (buells are surprisingly cheap), not turn as well, not get as many looks, and feel older :p. Ive ridden my dad's 99 super glide a few times and its fun, super comfy, but kind of a turd. The VRod will probably actually beat any Buell XB9 or 12 in a drag, but you'll get wasted through the turns.
I'm sorry but a lot of you, especially ones criticizing v-rods, don't get the point. Why you try to COMPARE Buells that are SPORT BIKES to a CRUISERS??? VROD, like I said before, will never do very well what Buell is good at and the same the other way around. Simple as that.
Rawr... o_O

To each his own, and hes got a point though it designed for a completely different kinda riding. Now i really want one
I think I said that in the 3rd reply here, lol. Different styles of machines. We all buy our bikes to suit our tastes, alot of Jap guys look at our Buells and think we made bad choices. In the end your the one that has to ride it and enjoy it. I think it looks great!
Yeah well you have less than 250 post and less than 10 rep its like you dont exist! Jk youre alright, come finish my camaro. Haha i look forward to the tons of input and info youll bring to the forum!
I call bs on the 1125 being faster. As they sit no way, the vrod has exhaust tuner naked intake and pulls all the way to redline hard. I fully expected the cr to be quicker but its got an hmf n k&n but no tuner so around 5500-6000 revs just kinda doesn't have it. I'll report back when the race ecm gets here.....I'm sure it'll be a different story.
Right now though the vrod smokes it!
I love all the HD bikes. Honestly, i was going to buy the sportster 48 over my Lightning (bought it from a dealer), but i didn't want any more payments. One thing my XB will never do like a HD is provide unlimited comfort. Im ready to call it a day after 200mi of riding in a day, and my dad could go 1,000 if his health weren't so bad. I still want that '48 though :/
I went with 2012 Vic highball. I loved it because for a cruiser, its aggressive but still pretty nimble. I got hit by some dip$hit back in September as I was changing lanes. (Took out my shifter, peg, linkage, and sheared the shifter lever bolt off the primary. Bike whipped around pinning my leg between the bike and car, caught part of the windshield in the shoulder and the sideview mirror in my back.) Surprisingly the bike was unbelievably solid, i never lost control and throttled away from him. After he stopped, I did and went to shift into neutral and looked down and found everything gone.

Since its been in the shop, I've been back on my bolt. I've leaned over further than i ever have before (just cant do it on my vic without grinding pegs). I cant get over how light it feels compared wrestling with a 700lb bike.I also feel like i have outgrown the bolt size though. The top heavy riding sport style feels more challenging than the low perched, ape hanged, sucked in feel of the cruiser. 2 completely different bikes despite being air cooled efi v twins. Letting go of the bolt is hard, but despite never running out of crank on the vic, i don't feel the need to speed everywhere. The mileage is said to say about the same between the k&n/straight pipe on my bolt and the Stock intake/2 into 1 pipe on my vic. Buell growls a tad louder, but the vic holds its own. My rear stock bolt signals to my vic. So i guess its on its way to becoming a "Victoruell".
One thing my XB will never do like a HD is provide unlimited comfort.

Funny how people find different things comfortable. I find the vrod, the road king, and sportster extremely uncomfortable. I find my firebolt the most comfortable bike I've ever ridden. I can ride all day with ease and not be sore. I rode my brother's sportster once all day and the second half of the day all I was thinking about was riding into oncoming traffic.
I call bs on the 1125 being faster. As they sit no way, the vrod has exhaust tuner naked intake and pulls all the way to redline hard. I fully expected the cr to be quicker but its got an hmf n k&n but no tuner so around 5500-6000 revs just kinda doesn't have it. I'll report back when the race ecm gets here.....I'm sure it'll be a different story.
Right now though the vrod smokes it!

Do the Math....
146 HP/82 # tq @ 375lbs
120 HP/84 # tq @ 643lbs

Which bike do yo think is faster?????
The 1125 should be I give you and when properly tuned it had better be or their will be a fine 09 for sale!