Headlight Mod - Both Lights On w/ Hi-Beam

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Great topic, great How-to-do pics!
I did it just now right after I saw the topic, took me about 15 minutes. I did lose two fuses though, so don't try changing the ground wire for test matters :D
So just it's crystal clear:
When switch is on LOW BEAM: ONLY LOW light ON
When switch is on HIGH BEAM: BOTH lights ON
Parking mode on ignition switch: Low and rear light ON
Thank you for sharing Speedkills! [up]
Took me awhile to figure out the "getting out the pins" thing - finally used a safety pin. Lift (leverage) the little white plastic tab (that is about half way in) up from the metal pin then pull wire (easy pull).

That said, I am LOVING this mod! The first thing I thought when I rode this bike two years ago was "what the hell is wrong with these lights!" I have had SO MANY people tell me I have a light out. There is also the simple fact that two lights during the day makes me feel much more visible!

Yea i definitely am ballin on a budget right now, are they a different color or just brighter? thanks apex

Sorry for a late reply, the Silver Stars put out much more of a clean white color compared to stock. I picked up one for about $15.
OK so I just did the mod....could not get the wires out of the connector so snipped each wire and used a connector. Sorted! Thx for the advice!
I almost did what Canadaxb did, but I gave the other connector (one coming from headlights) a try and got them in short time.
Here's a good link: Xenon Halogen Bulbs

Also, H7 bulbs are readily available just about anywhere they sell automotive bulbs so it should be an easy search.

At that linkHere Would the H7 Bulbs in that kit be all I need on a stock 04 xb12s or would I need anything else to get them installed?
Must chime in. Noobie Bueller, easy mod for my 1st. Great instructions, easy to do once I realized I forgot to pull back the guard before yanking on the wires!

Next comes the cheese grater. I'm feeling bold now :D
Hey, I have a silly but serious question about this mod.

Before doing the mod, if I were to have my highbeam light on would there only be the ONE (1) HIGHBEAM LIGHT on? Or would there be the low beam and highbeam on at the sametime?

Mind you, this is "PRIOR" to doing this mod.

I'm just a little confused about the purpose of this mod.

Here's a picture of my bike with my highbeam on.


Can someone please tell me if my bike already has the mod done by the look of the above picture?

Thanks, Rei
Yes. The mod is done on that bike.
Low beam = 1 light
High beam = 1 light

With mod:
Low beam = 1 light
High beam = 2 lights

If it was the "white wire mod" your city lights won't work when the bike is in parking light mode. If it was the "switch mod" they will still work
I have seen a few bikes come from the factory like that. I dont know if it was on purpose or not but it seams most of the overseas bikes were changed.
Hey you guys aren't going to believe it, BUT and you know there always has to be a "BUT", BUT yeah mine came with the mod pre-installed on the bike. I so rock right now :D (I'm a dork I know)

But seriously, I was wondering what in the heavens were everyone talking about, because I had two lights all along. Thank you baby jesus :)
Warning when doing dual headlight mod if you have led turn signals for some reason this throws off the blinking of the signals for what reason i don't know why
i even tried a heavy duty flasher still no luck anyone else have this problem i went back to the single headlight mode and everything is fine food for thought

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