Headlight Mod - Both Lights On w/ Hi-Beam

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i kinda like the mod. i'm also curios about the effects of doing it though. the additional draw on the battery compared to the stator output? the ground and fuse are much less of a concern, i think atleast.
I was thinking about changing the whole head light assembly with to a compact and high powered unit. In researching, I ran into your blog.

Like everybody here, I did not like the head lights coming on one at a time. After reading this blog, I went out and rewired the head lights. The bike looks better with both lights on.

I just used needle nose pliers to pull the pin out of the connector. I stripped one of the wires but I used heat shrink wrap to take care of it.

During this mod, I found the horn mounting screw loose and I tightened it. It's good to look under the covers once in a while.

If you are worried about the battery, you can always use a battery tender like the one below.


Thanks. [up]
Hi guys im new to this tread.

I did the mode myself yesterday, only took minutes.
Great, im well happy. really helped have good pic's and the write up what to do.
Ive done a few mods myself to add to the look.
like to be different. do you like

ive found a newer pic of my bike with the frame pucks i put on last weekend.
I think it adds to the look, wider looking from the back and front, more aggressive.

I have both headlights on always, but I used a modulator unit that runs a wire straight from the + battery lead (inline fused) for the extra load. The good thing about the modulator unit I have is that on low beam switch, the high beam is dimmed down to about the same degree of strength as the low beam, so the 2 lights look very symmetrical. If I switch to high beam during the day, the high beam modulates, or goes bright/dim/bright very fast (not a strobe). At night, the high beam is just on high, and low is on low, so I get the 2 lights always on at night. Honestly, I don't know how anyone can see squat at night with just one low beam on!
Headlight Modulator
I want to do this but if I do I think I would do it like fahren did. I would feel like I would be blinding everyone with both on all the time.. The option to have both lights on a "low" setting with the ability to go back to regular highbeam setting really makes this more of an attractive mod for me.

Could you put a highbeam bulb inplace of the lowbeam stock bulb? and then run it in the low setting for both (2 lowbeam lights) and then when you want highbeams you can have 2 highbeam lights?

I like symmetry heh [up]
If you have a Lightning, the headlight housings are on different angles is how the "High" beam is accomplished, not determined by the bulbs.
i ride all the time with both lights on now. just be careful if you turn your key too far when you lock the head tube, it will turn one of the lights on which will kill your battery. and as far as riding with both lights on the charging system is more than adequate enough for it.
Did this last night took all of 5 minutes. once i convert to hid lights i may go to a relay and do it in the wiring but this works awsome for now.

Hey, Dancing Dogs: The link doesn't work. No vid, no JPG unless you log in.

Apparently I'm the idiot that this isn't "proof'd" for. No luck on releasing the wires so far. I've run pins down both sides, and pried everywhere I can pry, and nothing moves. I'm trying to be real careful not to bugger the female terminals, as I don't want to end up with the problem the OP had. Are the retaining tabs in the white piece in the sides or on the top (opposite the split in the female connectors)?
I bought my 09 firebolt used. When my high beams are on both light light up. Does this mean my bike has all ready been moded?
Great Post,

I finally got around to doing this...

In the words of Kevin Bloody Wilson..."It's dead FARKING easy!"

Took 10mins (cos I couldn't find my nails!)

Thanks again....
Someone did this mod to my xb12r, but i have been using my low beam cause i thought i would be brighting everyone. The other day some ******* was pointing at my lights for two solid min at a stop light. Tring to tell me I had a light out. I guess what i need to do is adjust my high beams down a little so I can use them as my primary.
Anyone else adjust theirs?
Someone did this mod to my xb12r, but i have been using my low beam cause i thought i would be brighting everyone. The other day some ******* was pointing at my lights for two solid min at a stop light. Tring to tell me I had a light out.
Bolts come from the factory burning both on High beams - this mod is for Lightnings only. I like having both mine on - may piss them off, but at least they see me.
I did this to my SS while doing the HID convert(yer i sell them) but now are wondering if you can buy a factory headlight switch for them, id love to be able to turn my lights off sometimes, so when the bike is parked and steerlock is on i can run the parker globe only?


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