Headlight Mod - Both Lights On w/ Hi-Beam

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Basically yeah. Just strip the wire back and try to reuse the pin. If you have a combo stripper, it will have crimp notches too. I don't know if they go down to 24ga wire.
You should be able to get a pin from an electronics store or even Radio Shack. Just take the old one with you as reference.
Just did this mod today and I absolutely love it!!! Exactly how I wanted my lights to work and very easy to do!!!
Ok, sweet. I was just told about a similar method this week with the same wires. this is better, cleaner. It took me longer to find my hex key set than to do the mod. A trick to these clips is to get a safety pin or similar thing and put it in the side without the wires and lift up the little white tab that you can see in there pressing down on the connector and pull out the wire. I released all four and pulled the clip off so I wouldn't have to pull back any of the fancy factory wire wrap. I have never used the park lights so I don't really care about it leaving the low beam on with them. Great mod, I am new here and already love this place!

'If I really messed up the pin, is there someplace that I can get a replacement'

Many of the clips at the auto store "help" section use these same pins. Bring your old one and match it up.

'06 XB12X
Did the Mod today... bout 10 mins and presto, duel lights... very easy DIY!! You def need a nail to pry up the white tabs holding the wires in, once you release the tabs holding each individual wire in they come right out. Patience and finesse are key to this Mod. Very Happy w/it!!
Hey there, "AWESOME" site and info peoples ;)...did this mod 05 XB12s (my first of many???) in about 20 mins 2day and love it, u guys ROK!
ok.just got it done. looks great. NOW i tried to use the small nail from the bottom, from the top, even a jewlers kit from both ends at the same time. I couldn't get the clips out. in fact of of the small this nails i used broke and I cut my thumb :( anyways so I went to my old technique... ME SMASH!!! and i cut both wires and cross connected them with these wire connectors i got that have electrical gel in them. Mod works great now. thanks to all of you. :) ME HAPPY!!!
04buell12: said:
I had the same lack of luck with the nail, a darning needle, and jeweler's screwdrivers. I quietly reassembled things prior to arriving at the smash threshold.
well not really smash. just cut and reconnect. it works fine and its been rainy and aint affected anything
I had the same lack of luck with the nail, a darning needle, and jeweler's screwdrivers. I quietly reassembled things prior to arriving at the smash threshold.
Thank you for sharing......great mod. Worked well on my 08 Uly, and you get to keep your passing light!!!!!!
Just finished this tonight. I did not have much luck with the small nail either. Brute force worked though :) true the buell did draw first blood but. I did win the war lol
OK guys i got some info you guys may wanna learn. My expirience with this mod went like this: first week mod worked fine but after 3 days i noticed bike wasn't starting up right away. next day bike didn't start up at all (dead battery). so i charged it and it started up again w/ no problem. However, again bout 3 days later noticed it was starting up hard, then the next day it left me stranded this time. This was twice in a week and a half! ok so i figured maybe a charging issue but just to be sure I reversed the mod. OK this is where i'm at: mod is reversed and i haven't had any more problems of the bike dying.
Seemed the mod might be pulling a little too much electrical draw. just an FYI for a lot of ya
Just did the mod last night in about 10 min.:D I used a nail punch after fighting with a nail and the two slid right out.

Hopefully 04buell12's experiecne was unique to his bike (sorry) but the mod looks cool and being stranded sucks! (broke my key off in the gas cap once, $80 dollar tow for a problem that i fixed with some pliers and Wd40) so now i carry two keys
I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet, but this mod is about 1000 times easier if you switch the pins on the female connector rather than the male connector. It is easier to locate the little plastic tabs that you have to bend with a nail/small tool, easier to push out the pin, and have way more room to work with. I almost gave up on the project until I tried modifying the other connector, which was a breeze.
Also, has anyone ever tried to rotate the high beam light reflector in the XBS model so that it becomes a low beam reflector?

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