Hearing protection

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I love the sound of my bike also, but I would love to still be able to hear when Im 80 yrs old. As long as I maintain my bike there is no reason to hear "Everything" and..........well come on guys do we really ride just so we can listen to our bikes.....I dont.....I ride because its what I love to do. Just think of it this way........Does a blind person not walk because they are blind? No they adapt and there other sense's become stronger because of it. Wearing earplugs just makes me look at whats around me more.

I will step down now..........and the next person up to the soap box is........??????
The best ear plugs around in my opinion are the Yellow and Pink STARLITES 33db. I work in a steelmill and wear earplugs for 12+hrs a day. These things are a soft foam and put very little preasure inside your ear. After a short time, you dont even know they are there. If you access to them, I would give them a try. I am not sure where to source these because we get them through work. I go through 20-30 setsa a week and keep several hand fulls in my work bag. When ever Im going for a long ride, I will grab a pair and just use them.

For you guys who dont have access to several different types, the straight round cylinders SUCK!!! They are a harder foam. They do work great at reducing sound, but put a lot of preasure inside your ear. If you can find some of the taper formed ones in a softer foam, I would use them. Also the rubber ones with 3 or 4 rings that look like a mini SuperTrapp work OK.

Hope this helps at least someone out. :p
I wear the ones I was given in the Marines they are green and yellow and have the hole allowing for pressure relief
The inexpensive foam plugs, made by more manufacturers than can be mentioned, work well. Roll them up and let them expand. They are cheap and disposable. Make sure your ears are clean for the best experience.

I have also used plugs with the sliding internal silencer that activates when decibels are at a level that would hurt your ears. They let you talk normally but when sharp or loud sounds are present the metal barrel inside slides to close. Haven't seen them for a while, but they work well especially at the firing range.

I, personally do not use them for riding with my my current exhaust sound level, but thought I needed them when I had a Special OPS pipe on the bike. Any open exhaust pipe seems too loud for me.

Hope this helps.


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