Heat Tape (header tape)

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a custom made race car exhaust costs thousands of dollars.

I've yet so see anyone one here wrap an exhaust on a buell that cost thousands of dollars. It's a matter of comfort. Yes Ceramic Coating is better and if I ever build a racebike it might have that done to it. But for a lot of people, reducing heat to their leg and providing a cool look does the trick...with wrap. If you don't like it then don't do it...nobody is flogging you for ceramic coating things...they're just not willing to throw the $$ at it.

I personally am wrapping mine because my exhaust has a nice scrape from the previous owner...and I don't care if the pipes go to hell. I'll replace the pipes later on with new ones that will probably come in Ceramic Coated if I am willing to flip the coin.

All I'm saying is throw in your .02 cents that Ceramic Coating is better...yes it is. But to say that header wrapping is incompetent? No it's just different.

So is riding a Buell after all.
Physics and logic huh?
Well guess I'll start my life over. I've been living in the dark. That is some freakishly awesome advice.

Thank You Internet annoyance. You rock. Oh and so does your instructor.
I mean if the chair force doesn't wrap their exhaust I'm def. not wrapping mine.
Well, that was AFTER I got out of the Air Force, The FAA thought I should have something besides jet aircraft experience before they issued me my Air Frame and powerplant technician license.

But, since you brought it up, No Self Respecting Air Force mechanic would wrap his exhaust,, But a Squid? (Navy) You bet, I hear about that all the time. Not Marines though, they have too much pride,
but Squids all day long. :D:)[smirk]:p;):):D

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