That late 80's pic is classic. I used to rock that same style at that time with the acid washed jeans right down to the Bones Brigade t'shirt. That brings back some good no responsibility skateboarding memories (I think I just teared).
LOL that pic is totally rad!!!! haha..I graduated in 1990, so I was right in the middle of that crazy BS. Hey Coxy, are those 88 Jordans your wearing? I love it!!
I actually don't know what shoes those are. I believe they are jordans or la gear. I just found it on the internet and decided that it was fitting since my helmet is only as cool as tight jeans with the pinch roll. lol. heck i was rocking them jeans too. cant hate the 80's. I bet that erik buell was rocking them jeans when he first came out with the buell back in 83!