High Mileage, Need Opinions.

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I heard word back from him. He's a guy that buys used bikes for resale. Won't go lower than 2800. Seems high for the mileage. Doesn't have any maintenance records so I'd have to go off of his word that its mechanically sound. He says he's looked it over and ridden it and the only thing he's said its got a small leak on the left fork seal.

Getting finances together and seeing if I can go for a last ditch 2500 offer.

Oh and tbone, I believe the under seat deflectors were partof the comfort kit and the three bearing wheels weren't until 2009 or 10. I don't do any two up riding so its no worry to me. Wife wants nothing to do with motorcycling.
3 bearing wheel in 2010 and all of them do NOT have black anodized axle. most are silver.
ken: offer him 2500. he'll say no. offer to split the difference at $2650. he'll say no. leave your name and #. he'll call in 24 hrs. accepting your offer. it ain't selling this time of year with that mileage for more than $2650 anyway.
Cash in hand sometimes closes the deal. $2800 does seem high though.
Well my wife never rode on a Motorcycle in her life, was taught by her parents to never get on the back of a motorcycle, or hang out with guys that ride motorcycles. The Uly worked it's magic and she climbed up on the back, and we went Ulying down the road, she then took a motorcycle safety course, then got a license, then a GZ 250, then there it set's in the garage for a year. She talks about riding though. She knows exactly how much stuff those trunks can hold and she fills them everytime we go somewhere. We Ulyed frozen turkeys, about 4 or 5, i think she held on to one of them. I do not pay attention to what she does on the back there, onetime I think she ate a sandwich while Ulying. I think it was the Trunks that got her on the Uly, they are pretty big and appear to isolate a passenger from seeing the road under their feet.
ken: offer him 2500. he'll say no. offer to split the difference at $2650. he'll say no. leave your name and #. he'll call in 24 hrs. accepting your offer. it ain't selling this time of year with that mileage for more than $2650 anyway.

This seems like a solid enough plan.

Soooo, anyone want to trade me some barricade orange plastics when I finally get it?
Looks like everything is lining up and I'll be picking this bike up on Sunday. I'm super excited and will post up some more pics once I get it home.

Thanks again everyone!
happy for you ken!!! if you never owned a ulysses i think you'll really like it. i would bundle up and take it for a 5 mile ride when you get it home and see how it feels. then you'll know what to upgrade...what feels loose if anything...what feels worn. and add heated grips if not on now. the smith sports family has bikemaster brand on sale for $47 including freight on both amazon and ebay. they are tremendous and easy to install on the uly.
Awesome. Thanks for the info! Doesn't look like its got heated grips installed from the pics. Its got the block off plate on the switch pod. Haven't owned a Uly but I've been wanting one ever since falling in love with my 9SX just have been short on funds and this popped up at the right price.

Can't wait to get it home and start tearing into it to get it new and road ready. Hopefully I can give it a good life and keep it on the road for years to come.
Just got home with the bike. It rides great and has an even smoother transmission than my 9SX. From everything I can see from a thorough look over, it needs fork seals and the rear rocker box is leaking. Aside from that and minor wear from rubbing on the frame, it looks brand new all over. Here's a pic of the two of them playing nice together. Don't mind the mess in the garage, we just moved in October so we're still getting it sorted.


Thank you again to everyone for all of the help and the little extra push I needed.
Was sick all week and have begun the teardown process to get to the rear cylinder. Popped open the airbox and luckily it has a k&n in it. Unluckily, it also doesn't look like it's been cleaned in the 60k plus miles it's been in there. Got as much off as I could before having to put the 1yo down for a nap. Can't wait to get the baseplate off and get a good look at the rear cylinder.
Wheels look pretty clean for 60k :)
good pickup!

Woop woop '09 9sx & 06/07 ulysses are good combo of bikes to have!!!

The wheels/casings, heck the whole bike is ridiculous clean for the mileage. Thats why I couldn't pass it up for the price. I wanted an 08+ but this one runs like a champ and only needs minor work so if I can get it fully repaired soon and keep it running for years to come, it was money well spent and a tremendous value.
Looks nice, I like the wheels, my black ones always look dirty. That rear rocker gasket needs doing as the oil can wreck the fan.
Thanks. It's currently in a torn down state. I need to rotate the motor out but it's been a slow process with the wife's schedule and having to keep an eye on the kids in the process. I'm down to all that's left is to rotate out and track down the leak.

I'm excited to get this bike on the road. I've been itching to ride it.
I have not done this myself, but I seen Harley in Allen TX Rotate the motor on my Uly. Please forgive me if you already know this? They loosened up the rear axle slid the belt off the pulley, took parts of the frame off that held the foot pegs. Not sure if this is in the manual, why I mention it, mechanic said it gave it more clearance room and ease to rotate. They did leave the exhaust on and used a jack underneath it. Also disconnected the front motor mount and what appeard to be some black cross member(s). Was very cool to see. I paid $1336 parts & labor to have the Front and rear rocker gaskets changed, the intake seals changed, New ECM and flashed. Probably could have saved a lot as a DIY project? Next time I will attempt it to change the intake seals in another 3 years or so?
Did the rotate on my 9sx it's way easier to do than it sounds just time consuming. I think my first time I had it out and back in under 3 hours and that included going to pick up spark plugs.

It's a lot of little parts you have to look after but once it rotates out, it's kind of a thing of beauty.

Here's the pic of when I pulled my 9sx motor out.
Thanks for the picture,
W/o rotating I have been able to change the plugs a few times, but the intake seals where a different story. I was able to change the seals, but it was a knuckle busting MoFo for sure! Will not do that again.

Appears that to get to get to the rear rocker it is still a challenge even rotated? I missed that part when mine was in the shop. The mechanic said that if I keep maintaining the bike the rockers will never leak after he chnaged them.
Old post, but just wondering how that went changing the rear rocker seals? Is that a PITA? I just got an 06 uly with 20k miles. How did you know this was leaking? It's hard to see the rear rocker even with the seat off. Mine doesn't consume any oil so I figure it's probably good?
It is pita if you don't have time, tools and place to maintain motorcycle. If you see no leaks just ride it further.

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