I'm with
@Heavy18 ... TOO. MANY. THINGS. Balancing them is a hobby all itself. But as a combat vet who should been dead already I'm from the "this is not your practice life" camp. IMO you have EXACTLY one lifetime to do everything that you'd ever want to do. The catch is that you don't know how long that lifetime will be... so you better get tf to it. Don't wait --> I'm 45... last month I was 18 swear to God. LOL
I've been playing bass and drums for a few hours.
I've been teaching myself to play elec guitar for a few seconds... it's not going as well (fast) as I had hoped but I am having fun, so f*ck it. No dreams of ever becoming a rockstar.
I've been drag-racing for a very long time... mostly sport-compact because I'm a nerd and I hate myself. I like picking on V8s with ugly toy cars that look slow. If it's in my yard... you should probably tread softly. LOL
Oh... I held a long-range world record for electric drone flight back when no1 knew what drones were. That flight was 64 miles (32 miles out, 32 back) with no autopilot... all flown by hand. Once drones became mainstream and the "drone-in-a-box" sh*t started I checked out on the hobby as far as posting videos. We built drones from scratch and put all the components together back then.
Aside from that - mountain climbing (no ropes). I guess we could call it hiking, although everytime I've asked people to go "hiking" they get mad when I mention that we'll have to summit. I now just say mountain climbing bc a "hike" through the park is not my jam (again... I hate myself)... give me a mountain or some woods any day.
I'm also into self-defense/firearms/EDC. Wouldn't go as far as to say I'm a prepper but it seems I'm getting there little by little w/ the state that world is in. I'd argue that self-defense is not a "hobby" but a lifestlyle while EDC probably is a hobby. It's embarassing how much money my pocket knife costs when I'm just opening Amazon boxes with it.
And finally... street photography (IG: @freshouttafocus if you're into that sort of thing).
OH!!! Haha... I bought a skateboard for the first time in life a few months ago and have been falling all over the f*cking place. Who buys a skateboard at 45?? I'm convinced that it will be the death of me.
Basically my brain has to be engaged with a thing, or I don't do the thing. I also learned that I'm the master of not mastering anything. I'll get to 80% and check out because I see something else shiny... MAJOR character flaw but it is what it is. Ride safe!