How much do y'all think I could sell my bike for?

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ya unfortunatly dude you never get BACK what $$$ you put into it, unless its a fellow bueller who can appreciate the mods, now the VINS won't match on the motor and on the title and stuff, $4500 would be a stretch, and more realistically $4000
Technically I have an 03 frame with 22000 miles but I have the rest 08 with 2800 miles
Technically is fine. Registration/titling in another state is another question entirely. You have a bootleg hybrid with bad numbers.
Titling it in another state won't be an issue at all. You get a bill of sale when you get a new motor
personally, once someone has been inside the engine tinkering, i wont buy the matter how good the price might be. there are entirely too many people out there who think they are good mechanics, but the fact is there are alot more wannabe good mechanics than there are good ones. and a sportbike with over 20K on it? hell, **** no.
i say that because after reading the back and forth between you and people here, you have made outlandish claims with no evidence to suggest that you have accomplished anything remotely close to what you claim. i doubt anyone that read the threads could trust anything that you say.
any hope of getting what you supposedly have into it, out of it, is an unrealistic expectation. expecting to get anything more than 3500 for your bike, is an unrealistic expectation.
Titling it in another state won't be an issue at all. You get a bill of sale when you get a new motor

Come up to New York and try it. 2008 is not a new motor. You have no MSO, just a hill-billy bill of sale. These cops are not stupid.
I would say 4K to 5K if i didn't know any back story... and if you do have receipts to prove everything you claim!
May this be a life lesson to you and others! money spent on mods will most always be money lost. BTW, my life lesson cost me 20K in mods on a car i sold so don't feel bad! i had fun while i had it!!!
Good luck, but i would prefer to buy a stock, unmolested/modefied bike anyway...
sucks if youre selling but good if youre buying----best of luck to you man----however much you seem to want for it [confused]
I have a number and a couple people put the number out that I wanted so we will see what happens.
the motor and frame numbers wont match....that would set off alarm bells with me and make me walk. depending on the state laws, if you are not honest about it, you might get in some trouble. each state is different, and i dont pretend to know the laws in all of the states. ya just might want to ensure that you are honest about it all when you sell it.
So you have a Manufacturers Statement of Origin for this motor? No, it is used. So you have a bill of sale. It still requires a state inspection up here, and that means a complete paper trail and it will never be titled as a Buell. It will be a custom construction. Been there, done that. Keep it.
Ebr doesn't print off dyno sheets

sounds questionable, a reputable dyno shop with no printer? do you at least have receipts from them?

I never took the motor apart.

Than you are a liar because you have been calling it a 160mph bike. with a stock 12 engine and gearing.

the motor itself was $1800

replacing the engine in a motorcycle is a sales red flag. The old one blew up. this is a maintenance issue not a value adder. Miles on the frame is the only millage that matters. if you try to title it under anything else than a 22000 mile xb9r it will show as a fraudulent title forever. The estimates on here of 4000+ to me seem optimistic
THANK GOD YOU ARE SELLING THIS!! Hopefully this means we wont see you back on this forum. You could sell your bike for over 5k if you could prove that it goes 160mph but we all know you are a liar so yeah run it off a cliff and get the insurance money.
Good luck loser!

Nothing in my book. I would never buy a bike that was intentionally beat on by it's owner just to try and prove a point. Plus you have still yet to prove the bikes capabilities to anyone. I feel for the poor soul that buys that bike thinking it's something it's not.......... Plus all the work to make the 9 a 12 raises some big flags to potential buyers..........most will think it's because you blew the 9 up. <-------_ goes back to the potential mistreatment of the bike.

pretty much sums it up for me [up]

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