How stupid am I.

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Well-known member
Dec 12, 2009
You know I made a post about an oil leak the other day and said I had taken my airbox and related parts to get started on rotating the motor,then I realized I have my bike in the wrong shed to work on it,now have to put stuff back together so I can put it where my tools and jack are.:D
Dont take this the wrong way, but you are stupid for making a new thread to let us know about this problem, instead of posting in the thread you made about the leak.

Gary.. I do stoopid stuff alllllll the time. I just bring the funny stuff to other peoples attention. ;)

Speaking of a single thread. Every time I do something to my bike I have felt like sharing I have made a new thread. Maybe I should make a single build thread on my bike and dig out all my old photos start to finish.. or.. "in process" since it will never be "finished".
Just say you were high and some of us will totally understand. 

Lmao! I can just picture him standing there scratching his head, looking around at all the parts scattered all over the place, thinking maybe he bit off more than he can chew and how the hell he's going to get it all back together, and wondering..............."where the eff are my effing tools!!!" :D

One question though, did you take it apart in that shed.............the same shed where there are no tools? [confused]
Dont take this the wrong way, but you are stupid for making a new thread to let us know about this problem, instead of posting in the thread you made about the leak.

x2 lol ;)