How to: Anodize your buell

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I have the black rims on my lightning and to me they look like they are powder coated. I'm not entirely sure though. And I have no idea what the finish is on my blast's wheels.
im assuming you used the baking soda to neutralize the chemicals?
What setting did you use on the battery charger?
how has the anodizing held up?
HELP. I got this to work last year once. Now I cant get it to anodize. The dye won't stick to the alum. I have tried everything I can think of. Change water/cleaner mix. Changed water/acid mix. Thought the battery charger might be the probelm so I hooked the lead of the charger to the battery then hooked leads to my pieces. No luck. Have tried different dye, didn't help. Would the thickness of the piece have anything to do with it. When I did it the first time it was a thin piece about .060 thick, now I am trying something about .500 thick.