How-To: Crank Case Breather Mod (with pics)

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I found the propblem. It was 16 and 17! I re seated them. and it is much better! I completely took everything off and started the breather mod from scratch. after completion and a TPS reset, I find my Bike running like a champ! what a difference you feel when your motorcycle is actually running good! wow.
Here's a pic of mine.. I wanna add a catch can but can't find any thing I like.. Right now I just have a drain at the end of the line.
Hello This is my breather mod on my XB12Ss.

I'm not using my airfitler box, so i made a hole in the bottomplate. The both tubes stick 1 inch in the pvc pipe, so the oily stuff can't go back in the tubes.

I had the same problem short lived X .
Mine was caused by a leak that was from where the hose ataches to rear PCV valve with the plastic zip tie , it was very lose causing the oil mist to get blown out all over the rocker box cover . what a mess (like in your pic).

see here about half way down the page, discription and pics of it & my breather mod,
and I used steel hose clamps to keep it from leaking in the future
-Breather-Mod--pics page 9


Just did the breather mod, had a lot of fun putting it together, but after riding it around I wasn't really able to tell the difference.
looks good and pretty , I like the catch can alot.
(I used the same fuel filter for catch can and painted it black with see thru Buell letters see my profile for pics or back on page 9 of this thread)

only thing is the Brass and copper wont stay pretty for very long.[up]

does it still stutter or something?? What??
I rode around for a while today and had a good bit of moisture in there; mostly clear h2o, no oil. I like the bling bling, its a real eye catcher. Thanks for the props nativexb12rbuell, there's nothing that Simple Green can't handle. :) Still haven't noticed much difference in the bike; for some reason the throttle body seems like it sounds louder. Anyone else notice that?
Here is my wacky breather thing thing. :D

Its a Moroso breather for a car or truck chopped in half and re-welded.

^^^The good thing is if I forget to empty it once and a while its ok. Also, the filter will last forever and never get clogged. ;) Plus to me it look kinda cool and unique. I think those small filters look silly.

09Buellxb12. Nice stealth catch can! Thats craftsmanship and ingenuity right there. Did you make that or is it a part off something?
Here is my wacky breather thing thing.

Its a Moroso breather for a car or truck chopped in half and re-welded.
holy ****, another disc golfer that has a buell.....small world
Finally got around to mod the breathers:

Took an hour, cost $25 or so, siliconed all the fittings, looped off the airbox holes, re-routed trans breather tube down by swingarm,,,





If your bike is properly maintained you shouldn't see much of a difference at all.
Not true unless you think everyone that noticed a difference isn't doing proper maint. I for one, am relentless about proper maint. on mine and noticed a reduction in airbox coughs & low RPM stutters. Proper Maint. no doubt has some weight, but there's much more to it than that; including where you live, climate, seasonal, mapping, etc.

Edit: 07Bolt, you'll probably end up with drippage on the swingarm - nothing you can't wipe off though. I routed mine longer and zip tied under the footpeg - almost no drippage on swingarm.