How to: Rotate your engine : With Pics!

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I know this is an old thread, but I just wanted to says thanks for the time you put into a great DIY. I just had to replace my rocker box gaskets and between this and the shop manual the process was painless. [up][up]
I know this is an old thread, but I just wanted to says thanks for the time you put into a great DIY. I just had to replace my rocker box gaskets and between this and the shop manual the process was painless.

Thanks, I appreciate it! :D
I also just used this thread to replace the rocker gaskets on my Uly. Thanks for the how to. It was a great help.
I had planned on doing my own tutorial but when I saw your write up it was a great help so I am just taking a few photos for my own info and in case I see anyone else on here that it may help.[up]
wiznut, thank you for that tutorial, I'm rotating now to repair leaking rear rocker box gaskets. so far so good and with all this good info, shouldnt be too bad. thanks again, :) Matt
Why is it necessary to disconnect everything from the top of the engine just to turn it a little bit?

Seems unnecessary to me.

I'd really like to wrap my header today, but I'm about to say screw it and throw the bike back together with just an oil change.

I'm mad because I can't get the header out after following the DONT NEED ENGINE ROTATE instructions.
I have pulled my header off and put it back on several times without the engine rotate. But you have to remove the tail.
I just needed to take a breather for a few.
Used a very little force and then it turned and came right out.
Already had the tail off, and everything else it looks like.;)
Hey Wiznut, I really like the decals, frame and swingarm, are they available?

BTW.. I'm in the middle of rockerbox/fan replacement on uly now. Thanks for the write up w/ pics!![up]