I bought a buell and love it but

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Dec 7, 2009
Just got an xb9r and i love it. I was always an r6 guy, owned 4 of them, but always thought buells were cool and got good deal on one. The previous owner had a rt-1 jardine but thought it was too loud so switched it back to stock as soon as i got it i switched it to the jardine and thought it sounded awesome but seemed to have lost power. i want to get a little more pwer out of it and was wondering if i would gain anything with a k & n but i guess i'll have to remap it. i guess i'm asking if anyone is around louisville, ky and can help me with an ecmspy or something? p.s. this is an awesome forum
You're right on all counts. You will need to remap it to get that low and mid. I'm assuming that's where you lost power.
thanks for the comments, I have an 03 and it seems like it lost the power mainly down low. I can get a k and n for about $60 shipped but I think Harley wanted around $200 to remap it, they actually told me it was just an ajustmend to the tps not a remap of the ecm.
yea HD shops like to charge threw the nose for a tps reset. The best thing to do to save you on that end is get an ecmspy cable and ecmspy and if for no other reason than to be able to do your own tps reset.

You can also use it to change your fuel map as well.
I amn trying to find someone local that can do the ecmspy for me. I am not very computer savvy and dont trust myself trying to do it.
is a tps reset different than tuning the ecm? I am not sure how a tps reset would ajust the air/fuel mixture
yes very different. tps reset is adjusting the Throttle positioning sensor this will not changer you air/fuel mixture. You have to change your fuel map to do this.
so do i need a tps reset and a ecm spy? I am not sure why hd said i would not need a remap and only a tps reset
ECMspy can do many things to include a tps reset, pull check engine codes, and remap your ecm. They said that because that is all they will do and they want to charge you an arm and a leg to do it. Yes you will need the tps reset and it is Highly recommended that you remap your bike because it will be running really lean with the mods you want to do to it.
awesome, looks like i need to find a way to get the ecmspy then. another quick one my bike runs awesome but sometimes at an idle if i blip the throttle open it will miss a little, almost like a cough any ideas?
it is due to the jardine causing your bike to run lean. Also my carburated M2 does this when it is cold out side too.
...but sometimes at an idle if i blip the throttle open it will miss a little, almost like a cough any ideas?
Switch to NGK Iridium Plugs (Pt# DCPR9EIX) and do the Breather Re-route will help with the cough if you've not done them already. Also, here's one good way to change Spark plugs: Plug Change

Here's the ECMSpy Download: Click Here. Go to ECMSpy.com to download a manual and read up, be sure to get Version 2. You can get a cable off here occasionally, Ebay, or Xoptiinside.com.

After getting ECMSpy and gaining some understanding, post up and we'll get you a Race EEPROM which will be more suited to your mods than the Stock. If anything, it will be a good place to start custom tuning from.
how exactly does ecmspy work, do you do the mapping yourself or can you give your mods and have someone like Xoptiinside.com build a map for you, it seems pretty technical. i'll look on ecmspy website. Thanks for all the insight guys there are not many buellers around here. I get some crazy looks!
...can you give your mods and have someone like Xoptiinside.com build a map for you, it seems pretty technical.
As of now, he doesn't do that anymore. There's a chance though he may restart.

I'd first get the manuals downloaded, read up on whatever you can find by searching here and Buelletinboard.com and then post up questions. Most will be answered that way and post up those that don't.

I get some crazy looks!
Ain't it cool. [cool][up]

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