I Dont like posting political stuff but this is kinda funny...

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That's the wounderful thing about capitalism you can get what you put in.
yea work hard for your whole life and in the end you have nothing that city state or the feds cant take from you.you own nothing in america your renting it with your taxes dont pay a tax for what ever reason and you no longer have it
Yes, millions of chinese children working endless hours in sweatshops. I guess someone must be making billions as a result.

And I believe a majority of people in the U.S. are from European immigrants including myself.

And I guess the U.S. has been run into the ground since it is currently the most powerful and influential country in the world.

Your argument sucks.

items like this are of more concern to me, being that Canada does pretty much whatever 'Uncle Sam' wants it'll be interesting to see how long it takes for the ********* Harper that runs the **** show here impliments something similar.


also the 'board of director' aka Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper passes **** like this without the publics knowledge which allows both American and Canadian militaries to operate in each others countries in case of a natural disaster or 'civil' emergency


not to mention that he is all fired up to build a whack of new 'prisons' and as he has now labled the Canadian Goverment the 'Harper Goverment' (I kid you not)
They have drafted a new 'crime bill' which makes the punishment/sentences for some crimes ridiculous, for example growing pot will get you more jail time then child sex crimes or other much more serious offences, its truely sickening at what is happening in North America and worldwide.

...those flying killer robots that work so well over seas and have been active in North America to some extent are now going to step up their flights to keep us all 'safe'
(how long til they are armed for our protection?)


and I do remember someone on the forum bringing up SOPA..
heres an update at where thats at.


and lastly...

Whatever happens the planet earth is in for some serious changes in 2012 hang on to your hats Buellers, its going to be a helluva ride

I'm not saying I agree with the poperity taxes and yes if you live in the US you have to pay taxes. I'm a proud tax paying citizen. I just want my taxes to stop providing aids relief in china and Africa. Stop sending money that hard working Americans pay to foreign countries that don't like the US. There are 18 things the government can spend money on constitutionally and that's what they need to stick to.

Once again article 1 section 8 read it
Yes, millions of chinese children working endless hours in sweatshops. I guess someone must be making billions as a result.

yea 100 years ago not a lot flocking here anymore

And I guess the U.S. has been run into the ground since it is currently the most powerful and influential country in the world.
maybe in the past catch up

Your argument sucks.
and you have none thats why we keep sinking farther its a good thing our founding fathers didnt have your drive cause we would still have a king and queen
Do you understand what communism is? Do they make kids read animal farm in middle school anymore?

You have your priorities all out of whack. If it's so bad here then why are you still here?

Dude, move to China.
I'm not saying I agree with the poperity taxes and yes if you live in the US you have to pay taxes.
if the greatest country in the world can give billions away a hard working american should be able to own something.taxation without representation is rampant in this country and will only get worse.the fbi can now write warrants without a judge.2 major reason for our break from the king
If it's so bad here then why are you still here?
my family has been here since 1674 im hoping enough people will open their eyes at the same time to make a change.

Dude, move to China.
why dont you take your post 1890 imagrated butt back home lol

what communism is?
yes its a republic,republic of china,republic of north korea,republic of vietnam,soviet socialist republic.
Now thats' the spirit. If you dont like it, Get the hell out!

I'm satisifed with my lifestyle so I ain't going anywhere. Plus I probably couldn't sell my house for what I owe. lol[up]
Yes and I agree that we are being overly taxed but look at what the founding fathers put in the constitution. It vaguely worded and can be used to spend more on things that aren't in the 18 enumerated powers. If we are going to get this country back on the right track then the recipient class will have to put up or shut up. I'm really 98 weeks of unemployment benefits I know the economy is rough but the government is rewarding laziness at that point. And welfare is a joke its so easy to get on but as soon as you go to get a job they drop you like a hot spoon. It takes peoples drive to want to do better away because they can work the system to get what they want and not have to work for it.

But I've probably said to much so I'm out of this argument gotta do laundry anyway and do some work.
I'm satisifed with my lifestyle
of course you are thats why the shape of this counrty means nothing to you until its problems directly effect you you dont care and thats why we are where we are
And I agree, there is a ton of work to do to improve this country and pretty much the entire world. And debate is a way of hashing it all out.

But instead of bitching and complaining, how about we do something about it.

Negativity will get you nowhere fast.
kid i agree but we will never be able to vote in or out the people needed to fix our problems because the whole system is a joke and corrupt eventually there will only be one solution.
Negativity will get you nowhere fast.

the way i see it my words are a positive action to verbally open eyes saying nothing doing nothing and hoping for the best has never changed anything.if me and you sat down and put political partys aside and only used common sense we would find that we are very similar on what this country needs and dosnt need just different views on how to do it.imo
Anrkizm yup last year 47% of Americans didn't pay any taxes and that's not good what happens when that 47% goes up to 52% then the rest of us that pay taxes will get ass raped by the recipients and we'll have to work even harder to pay our bills while trying to pay their bills too.
Anrkizm yup last year 47% of Americans didn't pay any taxes and that's not good what happens when that 47% goes up to 52% then the rest of us that pay taxes will get ass raped by the recipients and we'll have to work even harder to pay our bills while trying to pay their bills too.
yup and im fall under the percent that pays wich i dont mind if everyone else pays.and if im in a select few that pays and my goverment can give away billions when im 80 t should not need to worry about loosing my house or have sub standard medical if i live in the greatest country on earth.
will get ass raped by the recipients
wich many are not in this country and i probably dont even like i would rather give my money to some bum on the street than some dick in karakastackastan
Here's a lesson in communism. The government which is comprised of non elected officials tells you exactly what to do, when to do it and how to do it. And if you dont like it, well then that's too bad, because there are no free elections in communism.

Just look at chinese gymnasts who are chosen at 3 years old to train all their lives for the olympics. That sounds like a country I want to live in.

You need to look at the macro level of things and not just nit pick because you had to pay an excise tax on your buell.

Your fore fathers came here for a reason, because this country is free and offers the possibilty of a better lifesytle. You have no perspective because you were born into this and raised here.

Just because you were born here doesn't mean you are owed anything. Look at all the republican candidates for president. All of them except for Romney grew up poor or at most lower middle class. You have to fight for the things you want in life.

It's this attitude that you are owed something that pisses me off. What have you ever done in your life that's so great? Exactly, nothing!
I say cut welfare, tax everyone, even if its a small amount.

Unemployment definitely need to be reduced. 2 years to find a job is 1-1/2 years too long.

Obamacare was a mistake. That needs to be repealed immediately.