I Dont like posting political stuff but this is kinda funny...

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For the record, Anrkizm95 is one of the a few members on here that I truly respect. Before anyone goes off saying I'm just hating on him.
You know Blake over there right?
no dont no anything about badweb sorry

Go back and read that section again. I didn't say they bothered us.
i never ment to implt that you did sorry

Here in the states, all you gotta do is dial 911 .. and you're taken care of (for the most part.)

if they get there before whatever it was that made call them happended otherwise they usally just clean up the mess and take the trash to the can.
leaving the us is not an option for most americans we perfer to stand and fight.

My dad was in the Soviet Army. Beat almost to death multiple times for his being Christian. I know many, many people that were in that same exact situation. Helluva country to stay and fight for huh? Tajikistan wasn't much better. But it was nice if you kept out of the way of the locals and Czechs. So we lived in the mountains.
For the record, Anrkizm95 is one of the a few members on here that I truly respect. Before anyone goes off saying I'm just hating on him.

healthy arguements are good for the soul.imo
they are also the best way to open someones mind.mine included and to effect change.so when i argue with someone i never hold grudges or judge people by their opinions.i have good friends that i would like to strangle over politics and religion but in the end they are still friends.so i hope this thread dosnt cause any hard feelings that cant be easily dismissed.
no dont no anything about badweb sorry

But you said that's how change is made. I was talking about badweb and called me out on it. I'm returning the favor :)

i never ment to implt that you did sorry

No harm done.

if they get there before whatever it was that made call them happended otherwise they usally just clean up the mess and take the trash to the can.

All ready answered that.
My dad was in the Soviet Army. Beat almost to death multiple times for his being Christian. I know many, many people that were in that same exact situation. Helluva country to stay and fight for huh? Tajikistan wasn't much better. But it was nice if you kept out of the way of the locals and Czechs. So we lived in the mountains.

we/i do take alot of things for granted here in the us.i would not leave my home but that is me talking with my kids grown and a different place and time than you.
change is made through out spoken voices,peaceful demonstration,violent demonstration,then usally war that is how this country got its freedom.

Ah .. I missed that. Or you edited it. Either way I agree.

Let's see .. spoken voices, check. Peaceful demonstration, check (tea party.) Wonder what the future holds
The only thing I'm saying is we as Americans and (not trying to sound racist) citizens that where born here need to rewrite that the constitution in a more clear and direct way. It's to vague and leaves room for things to be taken out of context. We also need to rewrite the tax code so all Americans pay into the system if we have taxes.

Do you realize that since WWII we have not had a true peace time country. Just an observation I made earlier.

Hope y'all have a good night and merry Christmas to all who calibrate it and happy holiday to everyone else cause I can't spell hunica or kuanza. Lol
The only thing I'm saying is we as Americans and (not trying to sound racist) citizens that where born here need to rewrite that the constitution in a more clear and direct way. It's to vague and leaves room for things to be taken out of context. We also need to rewrite the tax code so all Americans pay into the system if we have taxes.

Do you realize that since WWII we have not had a true peace time country. Just an observation I made earlier.
Do you realize that since WWII we have not had a true peace time country. Just an observation I made earlier. 

1950-1953 Korean War

1960-1975 Vietnam War

1961 Bay of Pigs Invasion

1983 Grenada

1989 Panama

1990-1991 Persian Gulf War

1995-1996 Bosnia and Herzegovina

2001 Afghanistan

2003 Iraq

By golly you're right. Never thought of it that way.
Our forefathers knew what they meant when they worded The Constitution of this great nation and they wrote it in our language, in plain English for all to understand clearly. The Constitutional Amendments clarify and expand on The Constitution. No need to re-write it.

For the greater future of this country, we need to put a copy of The Bill of Rights into the hands of every young person and have them learn and understand it, so they know clearly the rights and freedoms we have, and to support and protect those rights and freedoms, and squash all movements of any sort that attempt to hinder, limit or constrain those rights and freedoms.

Vtech007 is spot on. The document works very well as written. Most people have never read it or the Amendments.

As for the wars mentioned above, it is true we have been fighting for a very long time, primarily to help protect our very way of life, which is hated and has been hated for as long as we have been fighting. America is the first to offer aid to others and the last to receive it. People scratch and claw their way here for a better life. They don't do that in the same way anywhere else in the world. America is not perfect and can never be, our faults will always be highlighted. We can claim however that our way is the better way when you look at the evidence. If Socialism and Communism were the best way then they would have survived unscathed based on their own merits. It is interesting to note that both the former Soviet Union and China have adopted capitalism to drive their economies as thier methods up to that point were dismal failures. America is still the place to create a better life through opportunity. My biggest gripe is that we have aligned ourselves geopolitically with people who otherwise would see us dead. I hope for the day when we don't hitch our wagon to someone elses horse. We have the will, manpower and technology to be self sustaining. We also have politicians who can't help but put their interests above our own. It isn't perfect but I beleive that have the best available scenario. Keep up the debate as it is truly very American to do so.

1950-1953 Korean War

1960-1975 Vietnam War

1961 Bay of Pigs Invasion

1983 Grenada

1989 Panama

1990-1991 Persian Gulf War

1995-1996 Bosnia and Herzegovina

2001 Afghanistan

2003 Iraq

none of these wars protected our way of life someone elses but not ours.imo one of the reasons we are hated is the fact that we are a country that has been at war for 60 years trying to change the way others think and live.

My biggest gripe is that we have aligned ourselves geopolitically with people who otherwise would see us dead. I hope for the day when we don't hitch our wagon to someone elses horse. We have the will, manpower and technology to be self sustaining. We also have politicians who can't help but put their interests above our own.
I'm sorry but I must respectfully disagree with you.
The first two actions were to stop the spread of communism before the so called domino effect took place. The bay of pigs was also against the spreasd of communism and the locating of nuclear devices sent from the USSR, I'll give you Granada, Panama cleary is in our best interest due to the canal, a direct threat against the flow of commerce that impacts the west, especially us, The Persian Gulf War was in effect a method of stabilizing the middle east, where our allies get their oil from and to repel Saddam( and yes I am aware that we have to sleep with the jackals in order to get things done). Bosnia and Herzegovinia were remnants of what was the outcome of WW1 and the Treaty of Versaille and it seems a continuation of the Crusades which we also seem to be involved with when we talk about Afganistan and Iraq. We are fighting the extemists in their own back yard and not my back yard. I prefer that. If the Muslim community worldwide takes the fight to us first we are always going to use extreme measures to fight back and send a message. I don't believe they care about the message though. I would isolate them and concentrate on other more pressing issues such as China. I would otherwise never, ever let my guard down. I am willing to fight for my way of life even if I lose mine in the process. Again a very American principle worth defending.

If I have misrepresented any of the facts stated above I stand corrected.

I respect your opinion Anrkizm95 even if it clashes with my own, I have no animosity towards you.

imo korea would have gone no farther than vietnam to the southern part of the country.the same with the gulf war.afgan and iraq will return to the way they were once we leave and terrorists will still threaten us. Bay of Pigs Invasion was shameful on our part or lack of.

I respect your opinion Anrkizm95 even if it clashes with my own, I have no animosity towards you.
back at ya [up]