the "Attitude test" works both ways,,,,,,,,, I have the highest respect for LEOs who are professional, but even the best can have a bad day or shift, I try to keep that in mind.
However, as I used to say in the military when told i had a problem with authority, I used to use this all the time after learning it from a another service member,,,,,,,," Too intelligent to take orders effectively"
So, yes,, dick heads are dick heads regardless of the profession and law enforcement attracts a high percentage of them,. I saw it in the military and after i got out. Psych testing of potential law enforcement candidates is heavily tilted to weed out the true crazys, but some get thru.
I have a whole routine i go thru when pulled over to make the officer as comfortable as possible, but i have been known for confrontations.
Locally, I get pulled over in 3 small towns on a regular basis, rarely ever a citation, but fishing expeditions. These towns are well known for reject cops who cant make it anywhere else,. Not all of them, but a percentage of their departments. (Troutdale, Molalla, and Canby Oregon) So,, Canby has been consistently bad for decades and had many problems there. I had a confrontation 2 years ago with the same officer on several evenings as i drive thru that town a lot. He was confrontational and just an all around A-hole, I told him a few words and he got really pissed off (one of them was Chickens**t) So, later i see him off duty at the local Home Depot, He still looks totally pissed off. (im betting he was pissed off 24/7) I sidled up behind him in line and muttered "Chickens**T" he glared at me, dropped his purchases in the checkout line and walked out of the store.
6 months later, local news breaks the story of the Canby corruption scandal,. Police chief fired, his buddy and officer arrested for steroid abuse and multiple other unseemingly conduct charges. Plus other things that didnt make the news with office hanky panky with a secretary screwing most of the department (My wife had the unpleasant task of working with her at another job). So, the point of this was,,,,,, there was a detective who reported much of this, and was retaliated against him and workplace bullying. demoted, and moved to night shift. THATS the guy i had multiple run ins with!!!
So i had mixed feelings, i felt bad for him about the workplace BS as I worked for a govt agency and went thru the same thing. But on the other hand, I NEVER took it out on civilians or people i came in contact with for my job,. This cop was probably very close to going postal, on the public and his coworkers, So I have sympathy, but there is help availible and inexcusable how he treated me and others i know who also had run ins with him.
So the point here is,,,,,I refuse to take **** from anyone, but there is a difference of standing up for yourself, and not being a victim or a target, and another thing to escalate a petty dispute to disastrous consequences. Most conflicts arent worth it. learn to stand your ground but deescalate any pissing match. Most cops i know are quick to escalate. Allow the adversary to save face and not be humiliated. Bullys size up their adversary's and the best defense is not look like easy pickings. But keep in mind in traffic court or against a cop, you almost ALWAYS will lose. The point is not to get a ticket. not win a penis contest.
I have many years working with international military forces and security, worked the last 5 years for a govt agency with a lot of LE interaction, and a number of my family works in LE or retired LE, Cops see things differently,