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Aug 10, 2007
Any help would be huge! before we start throwing parts at it, here's the facts: gotta a '04 XB12R, battery has a full charge and is new, when you turn it over nothing, we have put the meter on the battery when we turn the key to start the meter goes to 0 turn the key off it goes back up to about 6 (where it should be) we highly suspect it is in the ignition switch, is there a way to test it, what about the coil [confused][mad]
"about 6" ain't where it should be at the battery. 12.6 or better. If it's really at 6v, that battery or your meter needs looking at.
battery should be 12.7 on a new battery.i would say charge the battery and try it but youll probably need a new one.
That your battery is showing load when you turn the key says the ignition is working, sounds like you need more umph.
You would have to have a pretty bad short to drag a good battery down to 0 volts, you would most likely see smoke somewhere if that were the case.

When you say you metered it, are you going directly across the terminals of the battery, or are you getting a measurement elsewhere? (As in, just grabbing a ground on the frame somewhere?)

My guess is that you either have a bad connection on one of the battery cables or you got a defective battery. If you are metering directly across the battery terminals and still seeing 0-6v then take your battery to a battery store and have them load test it for you. If you see a constant 12v across the terminals even when you push the starter button then you have a bad connection. (most likely on the frame side of the ground)
Got the battery issue resolved.
More Facts:
Went to start it to go to work turned over fine,then died, went to start it again and nothing shoved it back into the garage. tried it again when I got home and all I got was a crappy buzzing sound coming from the left side relay box and you could feel the box buzzing, no gauge sweep and no lights no fuell pump,nothing but that sound. Repalced the relays w/known good ones and still the same thing. Even cleaned the battery connections! [confused]It seems in messing with it more that buzzing sound is coming from the "key switch" relay is it possible that is the ignition switch that the key goes into is bad? has anybody experienced that before?
If it was me, I'd start pulling the relay box out and try to find what's buzzing - especially if you feel the buzz through it.
Most likely a bad relay. Find out which is buzzing (pull them out one at a time till it stops) and replace it.