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I'm not sure why this requires an all-caps title, but you'll find your answer in a Buell service manual matching your bike found at the link at the top of the page.
you're basically going to have to perform an engine rotate procedure. if you've never done it before.. you can count on it taking about 3 hours assuming you have all the stands and tools you'll need.

Once the engine is rotated down, you can get to the retainer nuts holding the header into the rear head. That's the hard part of pulling the header is just getting to the rear head retainer nuts.
haha you said rear head AND retainer nuts.

On a more serious note, I believe I read someone was able to do this without rotating the engine. Had some special tools to get back there without rotating. Anyone else remember this? (I have never done it, just read about it on here)
I was able to get to the back of the motor with out rotating the motor, of course I had to remove the fan ,rear shock and tail plastics then I couldnt pull the header out cause there wasnt enough room. So I still had to Rotate the motor.
lol. that sucks.

I think we could keep the "I NEED HELP" titles to ride stoppage. You can still ride with ugly headers.

Try this. Get some scotch bright green pads, wd40 and some rags. Spray with wd40 scrub wipe repeat. I was really happy with the results. Here is a thread I started. At the end I showed a picture of on header polished and one as it was. A world of differance.
Ok, It is looking good so far after only 45min. I still need to remove the chin guard to scrub some more.. I used the green scotch bright pads and WD-40. You guys rock. I love this place.[up]:D:D:D



I could be happy with this. How often will this need to be repeated??
Looks sharp, I might be pulling my exhaust wrap off because I took a rock and it's starting to fray.

Maybe instead of rewrapping, I'll polish this beast.
Mine is an 09 and it worked great. Some one said only older headers would come clean but mine proves that wrong.
Ok, here is my bike again after riding it for about an hour. The headers have changed a little tan/ bronze.



Those have a bluish hue to it as well as a redish rusty look along the bottom of the rear header. I hope its worth it to take the motor out and pay 200 bucks (ceramic coat) to get that look. To each his own. I guess.[confused]
Screamin eagle-
Those pics are not of a ceramic coated header.... just a polish job, still looks much better imo, but it will have to be redone where as a good ceramic coat stays bright silver (unless you chose a color) and does not need to be redone.

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