I really want one

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2lbs off a front wheel feels like a huge difference though.. it would be worth it to guys that are racing. I don't think I would trust that wheel on the street though.. even if my junk was sprung.
I just feel that japanese bikes are more sound, tighter and overall better.

Harley motors are clunky by nature; push rods, lifters.

Heavey - I mean you really have to persuade the bike to maneuver.

I am not the only one - read online comparisons between like bikes.

I would have purchased an RC-51 if I could go back.

I have an XB12R with Drummer exhaust, intake, race ECM.

I mean, yeah, it has torque. Not enough to lift the front tire without persuasion.

I you are going for a look, yeah, Buell is unique.

I don't ride for a look though.
Not Trollin', just offering my opinion.

I like my XB12, I dont love it.

I don't know about the classes. Don't care. Im not trying to prove anything here.

Like I said, just my opinion.
RC51 was built for World Superbike

XB12 runs in Superstock C (basically 600cc I4 liquid cooled streetbikes)

two totally different worlds. apples and oranges... comparing a RC51 to a XB12 is comparing a Ferrari to a Mustang Cobra.. two different tools.
Heavey - I mean you really have to persuade the bike to maneuver.

dunno how you ride but my 12 pretty much maneuvers itself. I also have a kawasaki and a triumph and the xb is by far by best handling, lightest, and funnest bike to ride. also the cheapest and most reliable.

Just my opinion.

All the japanese sport bikes are lighter.

I had a Triumph Daytona too, and it was lighter.

Go and read comparitive reviews of the XB12; they all talk about its unwillingness to maneuver.

Look. Im not trying to piss any Buell enthusiasts off. I just prefer japanese sport bikes, in the sport bike realm.
Well you have done it now pm8675309 I'm pissed and challenge you to a online race. Either way buell handles better and the people that wrote these COMPARATIVE reviews that you speak of, well they are terrorist. [up]:) One to the head!
Look. Im not trying to piss any Buell enthusiasts off. I just prefer japanese sport bikes, in the sport bike realm.

cant blame you, I didnt buy my buell to be better than the i4 bikes running around town.
"all the Japanese sport bikes are LIGHTER?' He is TROLLING! The XB is one of the LIGHTEST... and the XB is world renowned for handling.. hes smoking CRACK!

This guy isn't a rider, hes probably a 16 year old kid in India who just got is frist "Hero Hunk" 125cc and he surfing the web, looking at his "dream bikes". he has no idea what he talking about. The average Ninja 600R is about 423 dry "claimed",,, an XB12R dry is about 388 "claimed" . Goes to show you right there what he knows! ha ha
... and a RC51 is 440 dry. "Lighter" my ass. ha ha
after a street battery and 5 gallons of fuel that bitch is heavy as **** compared to a fully loaded XB... and the RC51 was known for handling like a pig at low-to-moderate speeds. The RC51 was designed to run wide open around a track at 170mph with Nicky Haden on the top of it... it wasn't known for being a real good street bike..
I knew guy that had one, he said it was a love/hate relationship. It was made for one thing, running in World Superbike with Nicky Haden on it. He said he hated it on the street, handled like a pig until you got up past 100mph and it felt GREAT, but still the 600s were lighter and faster. He ended up selling it off for a R6.. he said he loved the RC but the R6 was a better all-rounder... faster and got better gas mileage too.. plus R6's can handle well down low. I got a lot of respect for the R6, its a good bike.. I wouldn't own one though.. too many of them and its not a Twin.

Had the kid suggested a Honda Super Hawk as an alternative to a XB12, then I would have at least accepted his opinion.. but RC51??.. no **** that.. I call "********" on him.
Im clearing your mind of all anxiety, haha. (Team America)

I wish I was from India, good food.

I have had a few bikes; I'll list them to prove my forum cred:

1976 CB750
2002 SV650s
2005 GSX-R 600
2006 Triumph Daytona
1999 Sportster 1200c
2012 Triumph Tiger 1050
2012 Husqvarna TE449
2008 Buell XB12R

"While the new Buell still requires some serious effort to turn, the desire to stand up on the brakes is diminished substantially. Whereas the old bike required constant pressure on the inside clip-on to hold a line, the new bike's steering is more neutral once you are on the gas."

Read more: http://www.sportrider.com/bikes/146_0312_buell_xb12r_ducati_ss1000/viewall.html#ixzz2i0wViRnv

Im not the only one. Also, Im not trolling, again, just my opinion.
I don't give a **** what some ******* says on some thread... half those wing-nuts cant set a suspension or trail in any brake during a turn. The XB is nimble as ****, you can apply brake or throttle at full lean and still hold any line you want and out-turn just about anything on two wheels if you know what youre doing. Especially if you have EBR race rotor mounts. Guys that complained about XB handling only had one problem: THEY WERE *******"

and all these fake complaints you have about your XB only tells me one thing: YOU DONT HAVE A XB!

I have never heard one single XB owner say that a XB had "heavy steering".. that's the most pussy assed, bitch-ass complaints I ever heard. The XB has a 52 inch wheelbase, one of the shortest wheelbase of any large bore streetbike ever produced, IT WAS MADE TO TURN ON A DIME. and it does. Its physically smaller and shorter and almost the same weight as a Nina 300... now go try and troll some bitch that doesn't know anything. hahah
Can someone get this guy some Midol?

Just my opinion, guy.

Try to keep those emotions under control, Gloomshadow.

You are starting to sound like some ******* on some thread. (see what I did there)
but opinions have to be backed up with data and reality... the reality is that the XB12 is a much better street bike than a RC51.. and if you have a problem with turning effort on a XB12R, then sell it and get a XB12S or SX.. totally different world.