I went down today. (video)

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wierd thing about is that I would have though that hitting something as small as a cat, the bike would have gone right over it like nothing.. thats not what happened. The impact jarred the clip ons out my hands and I was sidways instantly! Maybe it was worse because I was putting down some break at the time.. I was hoping that it was gonna make it past me and Id miss it but there was no time to think.. it was just automatic response from muscle memory. There was no time to avoid it.. it appeared in front of me out of nowhere about 15 yards ahead of me.!
Question, had I been going faster, say 60, would I have just cut right through it? I must have hit it at, dunno mabye 30-35mph..
Definitely some rep points for wearing your gear. It definitely saved your ass. You'd be in a real world of hurt if you weren't wearing any gear. I never thought about the leg/knee armor till now though, definitely going to invest in some of those. What kind of leg/knee armor do you have? I've already been down twice with the same jacket, saved my ass both times. Amazing jacket for the price I paid for it. The Icon Alliance if definitely a great helmet especally for the price. You need it replace it for sure though, I also had an Icon Alliance, went down twice with the same helmet though. Both times were very hard impacts, still saved my life suprisingly though. I was being cheap, so after the first accident I just kept using the helmet. The second accident destroyed the helmet though, knocked my head around quite a bit. Thank God for the quality of the helmet, but I'm neve taking that chance again of wearing a damaged helmet because it could have been a fatal mistake. Like you said, riding gear/armor is definitely a good investment, not something you should get cheap on.
my mate hit a sheep doing 140km+ on his R1, cut the sheeps head clean off, they couldnt find it... he went over the bars and slid for about 100+ meters, some broken bones, can see that he landed face first cause his helmet was totaly f*cked up. the bike was in a million bits. i'll post some pics later.
my mate hit a sheep doing 140km+ on his R1, cut the sheeps head clean off, they couldnt find it... he went over the bars and slid for about 100+ meters, some broken bones, can see that he landed face first cause his helmet was totaly f*cked up. the bike was in a million bits. i'll post some pics later.

Please do.
i bet your front tire locked when the cat was between the tire and the ground since you were hard on the brakes. cats are bad for traction. next time throttle through that bastard and see what happens.

i also like how no one has asked if the cat was ok.
TRAN : my knee/shin armor is Knox Knee/shin guards.. mostly for BMX or motocross. but as you see its effective as hell. Damn cheap too.. I think I paid 40 bucks for them. I chose them OVER the Icon knee gaurds.. the only downside is that they only work with shoes or short boots. I wear "New Rock" shoes, all leather, heavily armored so when its all on at once it looks like an entire armored leg. New Rocks are expensive like $300 and they have a purpose made motorcycle boot/shoe line but its moslty crusier type.. I went with these instead as part of my armor package. I also got a solid black Icon contra jacket but it was kind of hot so I just wore the Icon Stryker "field armor" vest and the elbows.. had I had the Contra on I wouldnt have a touch of road rash.. but oh well ..its the price for comfort..

Omen.. yeah that sounds like a hairy wreck.. Id like to see that!
konrider.. cat was killed instantly.. after I checked myself and the bike out and got calmed down.. I limped over there to check on it. Still warm and not a drop of blood.. and pregnant a few months by the look of it. (maybe just swollen from the blood)
Glad you made it out ok. Man, that sucks! Did your scoop get any rash on it? If so, I have a spare that I will gladly give to you. I know its not much compared to the rest of your damage, but you're welcome to it. Let me know.
Gllom I have a guy in Orange City that has good deals on everything Icon so he might be able to get you a better price on the helmet. Same guy I get my tires from and they're cheap too. PM me and I'll give you his number.
konrider.. cat was killed instantly.. after I checked myself and the bike out and got calmed down.. I limped over there to check on it. Still warm and not a drop of blood.. and pregnant a few months by the look of it. (maybe just swollen from the blood)

i may have the parts you are looking for. i filp my 12r a few years back and did a whole lot more damage. i didnt hit my head when i flipped but did have to replace my helmet. i was pissed and chucked the damn thing. so defently replace you lid. glad you are ok. i know how you are felling. i hit a 40lb coon on my v-rod muscle, my other bike, this year and got lucky. i some how kept her on 2 wheels. but ill look for those parts. +1 for wearing your gear.
thanks man, Im just waking up from a nap and Im in alot of ******* pain.. good ol mom came by with some awesome pain killers, The left side of my waist and my left butt cheek as set-up hard as a rock.. cant walk right, cant really lay down and roll over.. feel like someone worked me over with a baseball bat. wont be able to do much about the bike for a few days.. but just keep hitting me up with parts offers and Ill get you on paypal when I feel better.. tommorrow is going to be real bad I think,, sore as hell.
Glad you're OK man! May you have a speedy recovery! [up] Thanks for sharing the story...Definitely sobering!

codine got me right now.. good codine.. ahhhhh! Time is flying..

50dro, buy you some body armor and wear that ****.. I learned my lesson back in 94.. if I wasnt armored I would have been 10 times worse right now.. Id be laid up in the hospital with a concussion, maybe busted jaw and left knee.. saved me alot of pain, and money,

a CAT dude a ******* BLACK CAT crossed my path.. aint that some ****? I was scanning the horizion and it just appeared 15 yards in front of me on the side of the road and ran right under me.. the impact just knocked the controls out of my hands and I went sideways along the street right into the oncoming lane.. good thing the street was empty at the time..
after a good nights sleep, I feel alot better today. I may drive down to my local Harley Dealership and see if they have any of these parts I need. They used to carry Buells and last time I asked them for a part, they had it at clearance prices. May as well check with them.. they are only a few miles away. About how much should a clip-on handle bar cost?

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