I went down today. (video)

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Its my second one.. first one was in 94 and nearly killed me bc my helmet came off.. I was a stupid kid at the time and didnt have it tighened all the way.. head injury put me in a coma for a week..I was punch drunk for 3 months! I learned from that one. I upped that armor about all the way a man can go..only thing I didnt have on this time was my Jacket bc it was hot out.. That Icon stryker Field armor did the trick but If I had had my jacket on I wouldnt have gotten that patch of roadrash on my love-handle ha ha oh well.

hitting that cat looked just like this in the video at 30 sec. The only difference is that my speeds were a bit lower and it was a cat instead of a deer. In my case the cat hit the front wheel and with our steep rake it was just like 100lbs sledgehammer came down and hit the side of the wheel and it yanked the controls right out of my and and istantly I was sideways going down the road. The time between me looking down and seeing the cat and me being sideways going along the road was less than a second! Its instant, I only had time to appy a tad of brake and that was it.. this video gives you an idea of what it looks like.. the scale speeds are pretty close, I was going only 50-55 and cats at max speeds are slower than deer.. but from the way I remember it , it looked just like this,

I think this guy stayed up bc the he had more speed an momentum and the deer ran into the side of the bike instead of the front wheel.. he gyroscopic stability saved him.

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