Is the rhythm guitar guy "Lil' ED"? haha. Man I love the Blues. Spent a long summer on the Mississippi river just outside of Memphis. I would ride in and go listen to the BEST blues is the world, every nightAhh memories....
The hook on the wall isn't quite up to the task for the helmet and jacket, so I've been looking for a neat coat rack with no luck. Today my shoulder hit the SX bars on the shelf and my brain actually was working at the time.
Spare EBR parts + 2" 304 brushed stainless exhaust tube + chopped up aluminum diamond plate shelf + some bolts =
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Someone much cooler than me should have this, but I like it! Theres enough extra parts to make a XBS one too! Heck, maybe I'll turn it into a 55w LED lamp:anonymous:
That's cool! My wife would never let me put something like that inside the house.