If Harley made Buells again.....

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I'm 59 yrs old, I ride an 06 Electra Glide classic. My favorite toy (don't mean to denegrate a great machine) is an 05 Lightning. I truly love both these bikes. I am a HD aficionado. My ride and enjoyment of the ride is the most important part of my sport. Check out the BMW 1600 gtl, sweet. What I'm saying is I love my Harleys, yea both, but I wouldn't let love get in the way of good judgement. Would I buy Buell sans Erik, depends on the bike.
Well, we are very pro american in my house (though i drive an Audi, i only bought it because i wanted a car that did well in the snow, that i could afford, and i'd rather support the germans than the japanese), and my dad rides a 99 super glyde and i ride my '03 lightning. My dad LOVES my bike and thinks its really awesome how something could be that quick and still get over 50mpg, but he's a pretty big guy (6'4 about 350lbs next to my 5'10 and 170) so he can't really get comfortable on a buell. He acknowledges all the engineering that Erik put into his bikes though, and really wishes there was something he could ride that had a little bit of buell at heart. He was even talking about buying a buell engine to swap into his bike at some time here, but his health is becoming worse and worse. The thing i always point out about Buells though is that they are the most american bike you can buy. Most HD bikes nowadays are made in mexico, where buells (even the rotax engines) were made right in wisconsin. I don't really have a problem with buying products from mexico, and i'd rather support them than the japanese, but in all honesty, i have my eyes set on several other bikes at the moment, and unless it came to me for real cheap, i don't think id ever buy ANY harley. It's not for the same reasons as probably everyone else here, but i just don't have an intrest.

Now, if harley used all the machines and materials that buell used, but just stuck there name on it, i might buy one, but it would only be if i knew they would keep the bike going for a while so i'd have replacement parts availability. They would have to price it pretty low though, because if i had to spend a few more clams to get a bike with Buell's name on it, i certainly would.
I know this is an older post nowadays... however, after reading through all the comments, i wanted to chime in with my 2 cents.

IMO opinion people are too concerned about a name or who built what...like the company or the engineer (EB) actually has any loyalties to us or anyone else. No one takes the time to put themselves in the shoes of those two entities. I actually hope HD eventually brings the XB's back with all their glory. It's mind boggling to me to sit here and see people have zero faith in any of the engineers that HD has or will have in the future. I see a lot of untapped potential left in the current dyfunct XBs and I believe if the right person or group came along they could be taken to a whole new level.

As for supporting HD, I don't get wrapped around the axle on spending my money at places.. If you don't like it, don't buy it..simple as that. Makes me wonder if folks are just too emotional.

Just my 2 cents...LoL I'll get off my little sopa box now.
No, I wouldn't because I feel that a HD product would veer away from the XB concept.

Having said that, EBR needs to consider building a 600-800cc variant of it's current bikes, IMO. An 800cc version of the RX would be awesome.
Having said that, EBR needs to consider building a 600-800cc variant of it's current bikes, IMO. An 800cc version of the RX would be awesome.

Agreed. If only for a lower price tag/entry level model. Hopefully with Hero's backing EBR can get through these first few years
If I could walk into a Harley dealer and a 2015 one of these absolutely!

Maybe I don't know the full story, but I don't understand the hate towards Harley. Without Harley Who knows what Erik would have had to do. The way I see it Harley funded Erik to build awesome bikes. Then Harley decided it wasn't in their best interest to continue and parted ways, but it was a stepping stone for him and got him the reputation he has today.

Complaining about Buell service at a Harley dealer, is like taking a Bugatti to a VW dealer. Yeah they own the company, but it really isn't the same thing. Also parts availability on a low volume bike is always going to be poor.
AZmidget91 said:
Complaining about Buell service at a Harley dealer, is like taking a Bugatti to a VW dealer. Yeah they own the company, but it really isn't the same thing. Also parts availability on a low volume bike is always going to be poor.

It's not the same thing. To my knowledge, there were no stand-alone Buell dealers. Buells were sold out of HD dealerships. It is similar to taking your Mustang to a Ford/Lincoln dealer and having poor service.
Harley would never re-make them as they were. They would try to "improve" them by cutting the horsepower in 1/2 and lowering them 6" so a 4'8 woman could ride one. Harley has shown time and time again that they know nothing, and I mean NOTHING, about sporty bikes. Their a one trick pony and their perfectly content that way.

I decided to pop in and read this thread. I chuckled to myself when I came to the quoted post thinking 'Man, that guy gets it'. I had to LOL when I realized it was me that said it. :D
My feelings haven't changed a bit in the 2yrs or so since this thread was created. I still have no desire to support HD and I 100% feel that there is NO hope, not even long-term hope, that Harley will ever show any interest in the 'performance bike' market. They just don't have a clue and they don't want one either. [down]
let's change to if Rotax were to build Buells:D Rotax did offer to buy Buell and HD declined. But, now in light of what has transpired with EBR going into bankruptcy...come on Rotax, please, please come save EBR!
Yes I am way after the fact and totally incognizant of any HD&Buell dealings. Never seen or could recognize a Buell until I test road one in 2011. It was instant Love at first ride, kind of like a long legged red headed woman I am a total sucker for. I have been to HD for some parts and some work. Appears to me that Harley mechanics are on commission and made more money on Harleys than Buells because of the > volume of work they can perform on Harleys? Appears Buell was getting in the way of a big paycheck because they are not as easy or quick to work on? More cash flow makes happier mechanics, service managers, shop owners etc... at the expense of Buell owners who Love a Great motorcycle. Not saying all, but a lot of entities probably did not like Buell because of the easier money that was being made by Harley than Buells while being co-located. As Buells became more successful so did the conflict and Buell probably was even seen more as a threat to Harley than a success. Let's face it knuckleheads even know you cannot keep a Great bike down. Buell probably would have been better served in the long run not to be co-located with HD as to keep the Love and passion of this motorcycle going all the way from the assembly line to the new owners. Just my opinion.....worth .02...

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