I'm back..

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Welcome back glad to hear your still whole dont worry about missing out on the giveaway its the first one and if you hurry you might be able to make it for the first one

Thank you for your services both on and off the site
So....ya'll gonna answer my muffler question or what?[mad]


Glad to hear from so many people and I will do my best to be around as much as I can.
Best of wishes and glad to hear you are all in one piece.

IEDs are no fun hear ya on that one 1st hand while I was in Iraq. No purple heart glad too, since the damn thing blew up 6ft away from me. 2 155mm arty rounds and 1 82mm mortar round in which just the mortar round blew up, thank my lucky stars otherwise I would have been a goner or sure.
right on fido! glad to here your ok. we lost you twice already, DON'T let it happen again:D. in you're own words "**** It, Drive On SOLdier"[up]
glad to hear your safe & sound Fido, I have many friends in the Canadian Infantry serving in Afghanistan, god speed to you all....
much respect to all the senior members of this fantastic forum!
Thank you so much for your service! Thankful you survived the IED too. I'm a retired MSG/E8 had 26 years, 4 months and five days in the green machine. Learned to dislike three things during that time, 2nd lieutenants, cold coffee and wet toilet paper. I served in Afghanistan in '04, and that place is truly Satan's *******, when the earth gets an enema, that is where the nozzle will be placed. Stay safe
Hey FIDOSOL glad to hear your ok. I was just thinking the other day that I hadn't read any of your hilarious rant posts in a while. Thanks so much for working for freedom. [up]
Glad to hear your good Fido, thank you for defending FREEDOM. my little brother is serving his 4th tour (3 in Iraq and this one in Afghanistan), glad to hear everything works ok. RETURN HOME SAFE.
Didn't know if you were aware, but you and this chap share an IP address.

pfc folmar alex
bravo troop 3-61 cavalry
4th brigade 4th id

- currently stationed in nuristan province afgahnistan at op fritsche
Well Fido glad your ok. We might have met here if you did travel with the Canadian Chinooks. I'm done here in March.
Good **** man! Glad to hear a fellow troop is back on U.S. soil. I'm AF out here on Kirtland AFB in Alb, NM. I got a buddy deployed to Kandahar (I think that's how you spell it) now and has about 4 months left on his deployment. Welcome back man.

(I love it when you call us all *******:D)

Welcome back - and as everyone above has said so well, good to see you back, and thanks.
Thank you everyone for your support and kind words. It means alot to us over here to have support from back home and everywhere else.

Steven150 - All of our internet is routed through the same place back stateside.

paulr - just back on the forum, not back stateside. Won't be for a few years, I'm in Germany until 2012.

fahren - I'm here for you guys, what can I say? I'm a people person. :D
Here ya go Fido, some of my videos compiled together.

Fallujah, Iraq Video

For the Brothers I lost in Iraq, from my unit.
I know, I was there for about 5-6 months before I got sent to Afghanistan.

Iraq - Sandbox

Afghanistan - Box o' Rocks.