Im selling both my XB's

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speaking of Harley.. Ive never actually seen a Harley RUN, they just sit there and leak oil and if they putt putt by,you just see a trail of nuts and bolts falling out the back in a looong trail. Harleys just cant take it on the American road system.. I don't even know why they put bags on those things they cant go anywhere. ..that's why all Buell XB motors "grenade" every 10,000 miles and need to be re-built. Hyosong says so.
The other day I read (here of all places!) that you can't even outrun the po-pos on a Buell. Sell it!
dude I just went out for a ride and I got passed by a NInja 250... I gotta sell my Buells now.. that Ninja had to be doing at least 70mph!
Just mod the **** out of it and you too can pretend you own something special.
I was reading a thread on a Tuono forum and the guys there talked 'ol boy into selling his 12S so he could go to track and race with his boys.... buys the Tuono and goes club racing, tells everybody he made the right decision, then came back about 2 weeks later on to the forum and told them that the Tuono was a turd on the street and he wished he had is 12S back.. boy said the 12S was faster in traffic conditions than the Tuono.. He wanted his 12S back I could tell by his comments. That killed the thread deader than ****.
Hey Gloom,I know why they put bags on Harley,s,The left one carries the tools,locktite,duck tape and parts and the right one is where you put everthing that falls off. Or is it the other way around.And don,t you guys know that a 80 year old grandma on a Goldwing can beat a Buell in the corners.
Hey Gloom, get a life! Nothing better to do than troll! Yes I should get a rice burner so I can be like all you squids on the road. Buell is a matter of taste. Maybe I dont want to drive something that everyone else has. So leave here and do your little burn outs to impress your friends on your 1 in a million jap crap!
Gloom i agree, your Buells are such crap you should pay me to take them off your hands, ill reluctantly dispose of them for you. When should i meet you to pick up the crap?
theycallmecrash, Ill sell em both to you but youll have to come get em.... neither one of them runs due to lack of air-cooling and the clutch pull is sooo ******* heavy that you go gotta be the kind of guy that can bench-press Sherman Tanks just to pull the clutch lever in and the shifter is so agricultural that you gotta be Paul Bunion to get it out of Neutral.. You don't what this **** over here man, just a pile of Harley Parts with Pegasus stamped on them...
hey Raven, you ready to get a mowhawk with me so we can wear them on our helmets as we ride our Gixxer 600s?Mowhawks AND Icon fin kits... that would be badass..
hey Raven, you ready to get a mowhawk with me so we can wear them on our helmets as we ride our Gixxer 600s?Mowhawks AND  Icon fin kits... that would be badass..

I'm amazed I haven't seen this done yet.

I'll buy you the fin kit, Mohawk and even throw in a pack of twizzlers and a Joe Torre bobblehead for your 12. I'll even come pick it up :D
dude you cant have it .. it shook itself apart and Im laid up in the hospital because my right leg got cooked by the heat... cooked 5 pair of Jeans and my boot smells like exhaust.. now the girls wont date me!
The burns were before it shook apart I'm sure. The heat on this thing has made me sterile.

Were you at least able to salvage the drop in 6 speed from it?
Yeah dude.. hot as hell. Buells are played out... Im not drinking the Buell-Aid anymore. Im selling all of my Buells and getting a 'Busa, lowered, stretched and chromed out. LEDs everywhere, one of those Gatlin Gun exhausts that spin around... big ass speaker system with woofers ... Cell phone. You know, a "Man's Ride"... with my Mohawk and my Fin Kit. Badass as ****.... CLASSY TOO!
I found your ride. Sickest bike on da block!