OH MAN tthat Tribusa is off the ******* CHAIN!! See, that's why Buell his hanging is head in shame.. Buell cant touch that Tribusa. Dey had to put 2 wheels on the back to keep them from flying apart it so fast. how fast was that again? 240? 250?
Zero: you mention the "Sharknado". yeah my boy gots one of those. So bad they made a movie about it.Its a "Man-Style" special order "Busa", bored out to 2100cc, turbo, quad-Gatlin' exhaust AND ITS AN AUTOMATIC! The Quad -Gats keep the cops off your tail but here is the real cool part. The entire body of the bike is a LCD screen!! Hit the button and its "STEALH", hit the button again and its a moving "Flame Job", hit the button again and the bike plays XXX Porn, sound and everything...makes those ******* come RUNNIN!!! That Sharknado is so ******* fast that the cops cant clock you on radar, they can only ESTIMATE your speed by using the "Doppler Effect"..that way you can beat that ticket in court!! Once I heard all that, I put one of those ******* on order for me! CASH MONEY!