ha ha NO, this thread is all fun and games. I own TWO BuellXB's.. I love my 12R so much that I bought a 9SX a few years later. Its an excellent machine, the STREET FOCUS of the engine is the best part of the XB. Its a bike that can hang with a full-on 600 racebike in the curves but the toughness of the Thunderstorm on the street will beat out a lot of other motors dollar for dollar. The engine is very similar to the MUCH LOVED Ducati 900SS and the 1000SS motors...even the gearbox feels similar. It always pisses me off to hear about how GREAT the Duc L-twin is and how "primitive" the Thunderstorm motor is...ha ha Id take the Thunderstorm over the SS motor any day of the week just by the cost involved and I think the Thunderstorm is a tougher motor and better under street conditions.
Then I read about XB's in other Forums... the **** those guys say about Buells is ******* hilarious! They have never owned one, never even seen one in person and they repeat the most pussy assed complaints you could ever think of.... "VIBRATION".. that's my favorite complaint. If you cant take the vibration of a XB at idle or at speed, you just don't ******* belong on a motorcycle. XB vibration is ******* SWEET AND DOCILE compared to my old 1988 Ninja 600.. that motorcycle was like sitting on the ******* Electric Chair compared to the XB!! I guess Im just old and bitter now.. I cant believe how many ******* are into motorcycles nowadays just based on the whining bitching and moaning on some of those forums out there.. Its like "OH MY GOD THIS MOTORCYCLE LOOKS AND FEELS LIKE A MACHINE!! I CANT TAKE IT!!" HA HA