Im selling both my XB's

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Definitlely one of the worst names ever.

As awful as Biker Boyz was, I didn't hate it as much as Torque. When that movie came out I had a 2001 Aprilia Mille R. Everywhere I stopped, three people would run up and be all "Ah ****! Is this the bike from Torque?!?"
sad thing about the GSXR series is that they are good cycles in their class but for some reason in my area, whenever I see a GSXR there is a 70% chance of seeing a ********* on it. Something about the word "GIXXER" attracts squids in record numbers... hes got a mowhawk on his helmet and if you bother to talk to him he knows next to nothing about other motorcycles... except 'Busas maybe.. they know about "R1's"...maybe "Ducati" but that's about it. ."Parallel Twin?.. Whats that?... Single?, whats that?.. torque, whats that mean?"
I didn't see either one of them.. I stay away from all motorcycle and hotrod movies. BUT I did see "Fastest" its on Netflix instant watch, if you haven't seen it yet, go see it. Its about Valentino Rossi... its the real thing. Another one worth watching is an old 70s motorcycle documentary called "On any Sunday" another interesting one.. especially if you like 70s era bikes.
Gixxers are actually really nice bikes. They do what they were made to do but they dont have the character of a buell, lol nothing does. Gsxr's just have a bad stigma. Not to mention, like previously stated, theyre douche magnets :p

What's that one about the guy on the Indian??? The last Indian or something like that. That's a good movie.
I took the Advanced Rider Course at the beginning of this riding season. There were a few cruisers, a dual sport, my Buell and 5 guys on Gixxers. (4 600's and a 1000) All but one had the Mohawk helmet and 2 of them complained about being forced to wear a helmet.

It must be a Gixxer thing....
Well time for me to join in on the fun. Buells are not even really bikes. Its just a sportster, so call it that. Harley made it as a stepchild. Then they did what any good parent would do to a problem child, get rid of it. Erik is old and that front rotor doesn't look good who cares if it works. Plus didn't they steal that exhaust valve idea from honda vtec motors. Yeah they would make the bike go faster put honda vtecs on them.:p So how did I do guys any advice is appreciated?
2K2, you did good.. what about this one?

I took the XB12S out on the highway and that pussy little flyscreen provided NO protection at all. The wind was beating me to DEATH, my arms stretched out of their sockets and my chest felt like an elephant had sat on it. Boy the XB would be SOO much better if it had a true "Man-sized" windscreen on it like the Tri-Busa has.. you know, a windscreen where you could light a smoke and text your girlfriend up for a booty-call. A windscreen that would protect you from an oncoming Sharknado or s Funami of Karate Cops... a "Mans Windscreen" that would keep you looking real smooooth as you rolled..
GSXRs are good but as you guys have stated.. they have become like a Generic Commodity bike.. they are like Wheat, or white Flour... or processed Cheese ... its just ******* EVERYWHERE!

its the "Cheeze-Wiz" of sport bikes.. and the R1 is running a close second.. its terrible. Its iike "too much of a good thing".. just ruins it. If Vanilla Ice was still around making videos he would be on a R1...
Gloomshadow O my god I didn't realize that the xb12s had any sort of fly screen I thought that was road debris that got stuck on the headlight. And don't the people at buell know that if you want to make a fast bike you have to wrap it in plastic. If buell would use a jap engine, and italian frame, and salt water fuel from africa, then and only then would you have a good AMERICAN sports bike.[smirk] O **** my smiley face is stroking again!
And how come when my wife rides on the back of my Buell there's a wet spot, but when she rode on the back of my Kawasaki it was dry. O wait that's why they vibrate so much.;)
I didn't see either one of them.. I stay away from all motorcycle and hotrod movies. BUT I did see "Fastest" its on Netflix instant watch, if you haven't seen it yet, go see it. Its about Valentino Rossi... its the real thing. Another one worth watching is an old 70s motorcycle documentary called "On any Sunday" another interesting one.. especially if you like 70s era bikes.

You're lucky. I watched them just because I knew they'd be bad. Fastest is great and I saw On any sunday years ago. I was at the long beach motorcycle show in December 2002 when they debuted "Faster". People were cheering and clapping whenever big names came up. It was such a great experience. One of my favorite documentaries.

If you ever get the chance, check out Ewan McGregor's motorcycle trips "Long Way Round" and "Long Way Down". Amazing experiences.
So I pull into work and this is there today. It's a guy I work with and he just picked it up last night. Supa-Fly!
the more I look at that bike, the more I ask myself why anyone would want to ride something that ******* BIG! Look at it! Looks like Monstro the whale!!. Looks like a big pregnant guppy!
When ever i come across a Busa...
All i see is some dude riding on the back of a whale. Except id want to actually ride on the back of the whale much more than the busa.... Everytime, and it makes me laugh. I might just be high all the time, i mean, i ride a Buell must be high.
Are those SPIKES on his "Lid"???

Long Beah CA?? I was born in Carson... about a mile from where James's shop is now. (another Douchbag)

Yes they are. You should see his cbr. Its got all kinds of chrome, vinyl angel and devil lady stickers. A big sticker that says "Punisher" across the front and tons of other assorted goodies.

Las Vegas. I grew up in the San Francisco bay area and want to go back badly. I loathe this city and can't wait to leave.
Crash, Zero.. the 'Busa is another sad story of "too much of a good thing gone wrong". The fastest GT off the show room floor, made in VAST numbers and now any Douchenozzle can pick a used one up in any Hood across the Nation for about 3 Grand. Over production killed that bikes mojo...and look at the styling! Looks like a Katana 1100 and Shamoo had a baby. The 'Busa has slowly become the new "Goldwing" but without the hard bags. You can ride that thing around all day and never come out of 1st gear.. so you have a ******* fast bike that you have to ride slow. Riding that thing around at normal street speeds is like animal cruelty. Its the motorcycle equivalent of owning a Siberian Huskie and forcing it to live at your home at the mouth of the Mississippi Delta area.