Ingition... then a single *Click*....

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Apr 2, 2013
So today being a gorgeous Saturday, I wheeled my '04 12R out, polished her all up, turned the key and hit the switch...

Then I just heard the starter solenoid click and Everything went dead... No lights, gauges, etc...

Then 10 secs later, it came online, gauges swept and everything reset like normal. This happened 5 more times before I took the seat off and wiggled the battery wires alil bit... After doing that, it fired right up like normal.

Any ideas on this? I would say to myself "it was a loose wire" but prior to hitting the Ignition switch, everything was getting power just as normal..

PS - This is a brand new Yuasa battery fresh off the tender before doing this.
I was having similar issues. Mine really was just a loose battery connection. Needed the post spacer to tighten the cable nice and snug. No problems anymore.
Yeah, the connections I wiggled around WERE slightly loose, because of not having a long enough terminal screw. Perhaps a trip to the hardware store is in order...
Welp, after a brief visit to Lowes and buying a slightly longer terminal screw, now everything's tight n snug.... Problem solved!
Thanks for the tip Wayne [up]