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Correct me if I am wrong... but if a bike has a decent amount of miles on it and it has been running nothing but a non-synthetic oil...wouldnt changing it to a synthetic be a bad idea?

That's incorrect. Have heard people say this but there's nothing to back it up.

My s10 ran conventional oil until 140,000 miles then switched to synthetic and I sold it with 220,000 miles nearly two years ago and it's still running strong(sold it to my boss....he switched back to conventional).

You can switch back and forth doesn't matter.
has this morphed into a beloved "oil post"? by God...if that's the case let me get on my jammies, slippers, a cup of coffee and warm up the keyboard.
no **** lunatic? I didnt even know that!

Anyways back to the important stuff. Im Loki :) and please be safe on your bike. We dont need to lose the rare"ness" you are. That is a female rider, a buell owner, a 03 xb9 w/white plastics, a female buell owner, a good looking female at that. It would be to great of a loss if something happens!
You guys got me all pumped to change my oil lol finally a weekend where I will be productive, plus I need to get it done we are going to the dragon next weekend. Something I'm equally as excited for since there is a fairly large group of us going. Though I'm pretty nervous too, I pretty sure my bike is more capable then I am, so I will be taking them rather slow lol.

And it's nice to meet you all, thanks for all the posts with suggestions and such for my choice of oil, and the small do's and don'ts ...

One more thing, my plastic is sort of scratched up (not from me) but is there anything I can do for that? I know it's plastic so I'm less then hopeful plus it's only cosmetic, so I'm not to terribly concerned about it...
>_< I am all over the place in this post sorry guys.
DRAGON!!! [up] :p


Take your time out there! That road is no joke...I don't believe I left 2nd gear more than once or twice on it. It's very technical. If you can get out to the Cherohala Skyway do it! It's the most awesome road I've ever been on! safe and pace yourself! (and have fun!)

EDIT: Look up Novus Plastic Polish for your scratches and Plexus to keep it looking good after.
Though I'm pretty nervous too, I pretty sure my bike is more capable then I am, so I will be taking them rather slow lol.

How long have you been riding. Good thinking, take it easy don't get yourself hurt. The only problem with the dragon is all the morons who cross into your lane and do a bunch of other stupid **** that will get you killed. I went once and that was enough for me. I enjoyed the roads around there though(cherohola as mentioned above) and this summer rode the ozarks in AR and that was way better than the dragon.
WOW, cutting your teeth on the Dragon! I've never been, but it's reputation precedes itself. As others mentioned, it is very technical and dangerous.

Most of us knuckleheads try to ride beyond our capabilities, and The Dragon is known to put those who do back in check!

Ride safe!
One of these days I'd like to ride the Dragon, always loved tight twisty roads. The Dragon seems to have a lot safer run-off then I used to in the mountains of Colorado.

Novus plastic polish works great on minor scratches, for major scratches I've had great luck using a 3M headlight restore kit first.
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So super slow... Lol I'm to chicken to try ride outside of my level.... I'm kind of a pussy.

I've been reading reviews on the Novus Polish and I think it will work best for me, none of the scratches are deep, just a ridiculous amount of little ones.
What makes you say this? The entire road is basically on a cliff.

Not very worried about the steep dirt wall your calling a cliff or the 15ft drop off on the other side. Here it's either a steep rocky hill, a vertical rock wall, a guardrail or a 15ft to 300ft rocky drop off/cliff.

Here are a couple of short vids I made while just playing around with my camara. This is one of the safer roads I ride, most have no guardrail and little to no shoulder.
I just watched part of the first link but that looks better than the dragon IMO. The dragon is WAY crowded and a lot of idiots go there that just got a bike and think they are pro racers and are a danger to themselves and everyone else on the road. Worse road conditions that your video and less sight.

JMO, glad I went, it was fun but just a little too unsafe for me. I feel like if I went once a year for 5 years and even if I was riding slow and safe someone would hit me.

I'm not a fan of 1st gear hairpins vs the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th gear corners. Just not as fun, again IMO.
Some friendly words of advice before your Dragon trip -

WEAR FULL LEATHERS AND GLOVES!! -- can't stress that enough - especially if you're new.
Look out for all the IDIOTS as previously mentioned - they will be there.
Make sure your tire pressures are correct - a low tire will greatly affect your bikes handling.
NEVER EVER give up on a turn. If you find yourself running out of road really fast - lay it down and slide instead of going off the road on top of the bike (not trying to scare you)
Not sure if the leaves are falling up there yet or not - if so - be careful, they can ruin your day in a hurry especially if they are damp.

Ride within your limits and you'll be fine.

I considered myself a 'decent' rider before going to Deal's Gap. When I got there and tried to keep up with some of the really fast guys I had to re-evaluate my skills! When I left, however, I considered myself a much better rider.
The dragon is WAY crowded and a lot of idiots go there that just got a bike and think they are pro racers and are a danger to themselves and everyone else on the road.

That is one of the main reasons I haven't been there yet, still think it looks like a fun road though. I don't even care for ridding on the weekends if I can help it. There are a few canyons around here that have the same problem with unexperianced riders, saw an accident on Sunday were a kid had snapped his front forks against a guardrail.

A lot of sport bike riders avoid the road in my vid because they think the corners are to tight. On the Buell, most of the corners are 2-3rd gear and 45-60mph. It's one of my favorite roads and part of the reason I wear out the sides of my tires first.:D
As far as my opinion goes the best places to ride are lae night parking lots and the twisties in southern Ohio. No traffic. No cops. Well not many cops that can stick with a bike anyways hahaha;) but for serious, nice to meet you Amanda your bike is gorgeous and you rock those shades like its your job. That's a sweet-ass helmet you've got too.