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Oof, I'm super anxious about this now... I dont think I'm a bad rider so I'm pretty confident I can do it at an easy slow pace but I don't handle people who act all ridiculous on bikes well.

Thanks, I love my aviators the most, I always feel like kind of a bad as when I wear them, I mean I'm not but its always fun to pretend as for my helmet, I love it! Super comfortable and not to heavy.
Oof, I'm super anxious about this now...

Don't worry, just keep to a slow moderate pace along the right half of the lane and you'll be fine. Just enjoy the ride and screw anyone that tries to give you grief about your speed.
yea, ah Tom Cruise wants his glasses back
lmfao [up]

I actually saw a pic of cruise on a cr? Don't remember where though?

I'm sure you can handle the ride, you'll be fine. Just keep it at a comfortable confident pace. You never want to push it on new roads regardless of who or where you are.

Main point: enjoy the ride
Uhh... I actually have no idea. In pretty positive I remember it being tom cruise on a red cr. The only reason I remember any of this is because it was the first time I saw a cr. in my defense if it was mr.bloom, the only thing I was really paying attention to was the bike so you could very well be correct konarider. Either way it's a sick bike :D
i only said that because i was looking at pictures of 1125cr's and that picture kept coming up.
the only thing I was really paying attention to was the bike so you could very well be correct konarider. Either way it's a sick bike

Haha sure, sure...
Any ways, I doubt either actor would be caught dead in my $5 Walmart glasses lol... I lose sunglasses to quickly to buy an expensive pair.
helpful people(and a few smart ***** )

Hey! I resemble that remark!

Welcome to the site, Amanda. Nice bike. I do all my own work too, and yes, I am also a female with an '03 9R in Arctic White. Glad you got a good one on Craigslist. The first one I looked at was a pile. The second one was a score! So far I've done my own oil changes, engine temp sensor replacement, headlight adjustments, some other minor things, and yes, like you, I like/prefer doing the work myself. Careful when calling Harley/Buell - when you're a chick, they don't think you know what you're talking about and I've been at battle with one of them in my area because they don't believe me that I have an '03 9R. They INSIST I have a 9S. Go figure! Good luck! Have fun! Ride safe!
this nice young woman asked about oil and filter recommendations and 24 postings later you're yapping about safety equipment and Deals Freakin' Gap. Either return to "oil recommendations" discussion which excites me or i'll have 1 of the moderators end this thread PRONTO!
this nice young woman asked about oil and filter recommendations and 24 postings later you're yapping about safety equipment and Deals Freakin' Gap. Either return to "oil recommendations" discussion which excites me or i'll have 1 of the moderators end this thread PRONTO!

Lol in all fairness I'm the topic jumper, I go from one thing to another at the bat of an eyelash
I feel the need to add to the Dragon discussion. When someone comes up behind you fast don't freak out and use the next pull off to move out of their way. It will be the safest bet for the both of you. Ride safe and full gear [up]
Welcome to the forum. Read your earlier post as to your trip to the Dragon. I think Rob and Diana will be in Ashville the weekend of Oct. 6th. He is RT Performance on here and Rob Troms on facebook. Just thought a friendly face of another Bueller might help.
If you get hooked we have Dragon VI planned for April 20th-22nd, 2013. Would love to have you join us!
Hey..... what is the best type of oil, while riding the dragon ;) see, all you have to do is incorporate oil in any topic!!! Ps. Don't ride the dragon in shorts and flip flops... unless you are using full synthetic oil :D
raz65man that sounds awesome, I'm going to go creep him on Facebook!
And as for your April trip, I will have to make sure its not a drill.

Hahaha, though I've never tired... I think changing gears in flippy floppys would hurt even with fully synthetic oil lol