I don't think he was talking about just racing, I think he meant successful as a product..i.e. sales, support, branding etc. Which is why I mentioned compared to Japanese Sport Bikes, no American Sport Bike has taken off. Erik is amazing and no one disputes the technology, and engineering put into his designs but that doesn't make a product successful. It's sad really but that's why Buell is no longer around and Erik's rebuilding on his own and this time doing it his way and I HOPE it takes off because we need more bikes from him. If Buell had been considered successful on a global scale then HD wouldn't have dropped the lineup. There is no denying that American Vtwins have been very successful in racing but that doesn't always translate to real word. The Kia Optima has a race team and has won a few races and up in points, you don't see me running out my door to go buy one. As for the build off bikes, Jr and GMG are the only bikes that they have showed actually being ridden much, and Jr's this year is alot more useful than his build last year lol. I bet you could actually ride this one for awhile. I dunno I'm a hotrod guy and like the way he used the 39' Chevy grille on it and the header style exhaust, it's neat but I like GMG's old school build, and awesome that they rode it from Texas to Vegas.....bet no one else did that lol plus it's still kickstart which is awesome haha. Sr's bike is awesome and I like what he did this year just wish he would have changed the front end but that's just personal opinion. I like how they cut their own frame, swing arm, everything out from scratch. I wish Jesse's turned out like the drawing they showed in the beginning. I was really looking forward to his