Jessie James basically trashed Buells :/

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Who the hell is Jessie James?

the only tv I watch is south park, family guy, and it's always sunny...
Oh that Jason Pohl is a f&*)ing tool and I'm so glad that show is not going to be on anymore cause I'm so sick of that dude.
THANK YOU!! The guy's a complete idiot.
I haven't seen any of the bikes yet, but I will comment on the one I see. All in all, not bad. Too much chrome and I would have gone with a more elegant wheel set up. Those tri-star rims are what every sportbike manufacturer used for about 7 years straight! Played!!
I like the VTX Cafe Racer he built better:

And your right GAX, can't believe he screwed it up with Sandra....

Here are the bikes for people who haven't seen:

Paul Jr:

Jesse James

Gas Monkey Garage

Paul Sr.
Jesse James is whack! His whole mantra is "Eff the man, I don't follow rules, nobody tells me what to do!" But yet he's the same sell out who goes on tv, chases celebrities, etc. He's a great fabricator, but his attitude and persona kill that for me.
I think that PJD bike is terrible. Just my opinion. I mean he put half a sterring wheel on the damn thing. Wtf is that?

I like the fact that Jesse and Paul Sr. Went out of their box a little and made sport bikes. PJD just does the same **** over and over, a carnival ride theme bike that's not functional and ends up becoming a kick stand ornament.
I am glad BUELLJEK wasn't the only one who noticed Jesse "EGOMANIAC" James' shameless omission of the great Erik Buell bikes and designs.

Firstly, IMO, Erik Buell is the Nikolai Tesla of motorcycle design. Take some time to read about his story and you'll see a real bike engineer, racer and entrepreneur doing what he does not for fame or fortune but because he deeply believes that American V-twin torque is what has always been missing from motorcycle racing design. For years he bought the Harley motors and built the bikes and built winners in their classification. He has thirty years of design experience around this type of bike. That’s far more knowledge in a specialty of motorcycle design that Jesse James has in his whole body. That’s a lot of trial and error and R&D that Jesse can only copy at best…which appears what he has done with his Buell wanna-be (wanna-Buell) bike.

As far as folks trying to compare Buell with the giant Japanese and Italian bike companies with regards to racing success…before Harley-Davidson pulled the plug on the Buell division a few years ago he DID build a bike (1190RS) that was a VERY serious threat to what was happening in MotoGP. He has done all this with a loyal crew of around 200 employees prior to HD dumping Buell. Most all of these bike techs and engineers were like his family. He brought them with him when he went to the dark side (HD) and depending on the success of ERIK BUELL RACING he will still keep them around. His is the ideal American success story and Americans especially should be proud that a true innovator with passion and a dream is in our midst in a world of sellouts and fakes, AKA, Jesse James.

Ever ask why it took this long for MotoGP to finally put a majority of V-twin configs on the track? Billions in R&D spent by Japan and Italy over the last 20 years FINALLY got them to that point. Now we have the torque to rocket a bike out of a turn that 4-Bangers never had. All that along with horse power and top speeds that where only seen in 4-bangers.

It is a V-Twin world for racers now as well as choppers and we can thank Erik's dream for much of the inspiration and passion driving this forward. It has always been painfully obvious to me that Jesse James is a shameless prick but now that he has insulted Erik Buell’s legacy by omitting the credit that is due to Buell…I am a little embarrassed for Jesse. Don’t worry, I won’t lose any sleep over it.
As soon as I saw Sr's frame made outta wood and Jesse's frame I knew they would look Buell'esk in their finished form. As. Far as a winner...... GasMonkey by a mile!
I don't think he was talking about just racing, I think he meant successful as a product..i.e. sales, support, branding etc. Which is why I mentioned compared to Japanese Sport Bikes, no American Sport Bike has taken off. Erik is amazing and no one disputes the technology, and engineering put into his designs but that doesn't make a product successful. It's sad really but that's why Buell is no longer around and Erik's rebuilding on his own and this time doing it his way and I HOPE it takes off because we need more bikes from him. If Buell had been considered successful on a global scale then HD wouldn't have dropped the lineup. There is no denying that American Vtwins have been very successful in racing but that doesn't always translate to real word. The Kia Optima has a race team and has won a few races and up in points, you don't see me running out my door to go buy one. As for the build off bikes, Jr and GMG are the only bikes that they have showed actually being ridden much, and Jr's this year is alot more useful than his build last year lol. I bet you could actually ride this one for awhile. I dunno I'm a hotrod guy and like the way he used the 39' Chevy grille on it and the header style exhaust, it's neat but I like GMG's old school build, and awesome that they rode it from Texas to no one else did that lol plus it's still kickstart which is awesome haha. Sr's bike is awesome and I like what he did this year just wish he would have changed the front end but that's just personal opinion. I like how they cut their own frame, swing arm, everything out from scratch. I wish Jesse's turned out like the drawing they showed in the beginning. I was really looking forward to his
The things I'd let her do to me haha also in other news.....anyone remember the movie spykids?


well puberty treated her GOOD

Of the four bikes, I'd prefer GMG's build. Also, does Sr's bike remind anyone of the Confederate or Magpul-Ronin 1125R styles... at least the front end?
I saw Jesse at Sturgis in 1999. He was showing several of his bikes at the Camel Road House. He was really decent, sat, shot the ****, talked bikes, you know regular guy stuff. Like someone said above, by 2004 he was mainstream famous, and just barely there. Stayed behind things, really didn't speak to anyone. By 2006, I'm not sure he even shoed up at his own display anymore.

Either way, we all know what opinions are like.
Paul Jr's bike is quite possibly the ugliest motor cycle ive ever seen IMO :D Sr's isnt bad GMG's is nice (ol skool). And f#$k Jesse James, he built a buell with a big twin (ruined it).