Still liked the GMG bike Best. The whole chopper thing started with young vets coming back from war and building something custom, build by and for the average guy. Jessie,Sr, and Jr have LONG forgot what its like to be the regular guy. I mean a normal person cant even relate to there bikes, and their shop. At least with the GMG bike, its a CHOPPER for one (I mean Chopper live is the name of this show) and two, was built by two guys that almost every guy in America can relate, and three, out of a shop that could almost be in anyone's back yard. Built by hand, with tools out a an average garage, based off the original design.
Also, I would have loved to been on that stage after the show to hear the B.S. coming out of Jessie James. What a Bitch!! Talented yes, greatest, that's open to discussion. The only reason he is famous is cause Discovery started in his shop. Had they started in another shop, we wouldn't know, and care who Jessie Jame is.