I've been dating my girl for about a year & a half now, and things are sometimes rocky. I'm 23, she's 20 and still young at heart. Tells me she wants to go out and parties with her girlies (but wait till she's 21, im sure it'll be going out doubletime to the bars). Do i go out and hang out with my guy friends at the bars too, Sure do. I just remember i have a girlfriend at the end of the night to be with and not some bar ****. Do i trust her? Yes, but i am skeptical just like every boyfriend cause when your mind thinks, it just makes things worse. There are times when during small bickery fights that i just want to say eff you and move on. And sometimes i just realize her home life isn't good and she's still in her young age. But i'm happy with her and she makes me happy when we're with each other, htats what keeps me with her even though there are small differences. You have to realize everyone is the own person and you can never change who someone really is. You have to accept how someone is for who they are.
But there's that little part of you that realizes you don't want to be alone (or at least without her cause you know how it was during its good stages) but if you can, get away from it if you know whats good for you. Like others say (once a cheater always a cheater) not so much for this case but same principle goes for you. If your not happy most likely you won't be. There are plenty of other girls out there, and don't spend your time at the juice bars and wasting your money on the bar hook-up types, cause they'll only leave you with an empty wallet at the end of the night. Been there done that.
Best advice like everyone else says here. Relationships aren't peaches and creme. Its never smooth sailing, and if your heart says you can work things out, it will. Always rememebr if you let someone go, LET HER COME BACK TO YOU IN THE FUTURE. PLAY HARDBALL. It'll either make her or break her. Its hard with all these social websites like facebook. But you got balls, be tough show her what its LIKE WITHOUT YOU!! If you feel she's changed then maybe its worth giving another shot, BUT NEVER let a woman get the better side of you. There's nothing a girl hates worse (if she really loves you deep inside) is seeing you having fun with someone else.
So no matter what you do, whether you decide to stay on the gravel road with her and wait for a paved road and hope your relationship with her gets better to where you want to be OR you take the highway and forget about her and find someone more compatible, just ALWAYS DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY! You can't rewind the clock and turn time back. Do what puts a smile on your face at the end of the day. Sitting on a rock gets you nowhere but where your at now.